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What Repashy for my bristlenose?


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I use Soilent Green and they eat it, but they prefer things like green beans, shrimp pellets, and freeze-dried tubifex worms. When I open the top of the tank they start to gather where the food lands and when it's Repashy, they'll knock it around for a bit as if they hope to find something better under it, then eventually they accept that's all there is and eat it. They're kind of like a kid with something he/she doesn't like on their plate. They kind of have the "Well, it's better than nothing" approach to Repashy.

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  • 2 years later...

I would avoid Morning Wood, BN don't need that in their diet. I would recommend either of the other two. I feed Soilent Green with great success. Fry go crazy for it and adults eat it without fuss. I'm going to try feeding a combo of Soilent Green and Bottom Scratcher, see what kind of results that brings me. Don't know if it matters, but I'm feeding 2-3 yr old Lemon Blue Eyes and their fry.

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