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Gold Dust Molly sick for weeks


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I have a 20 galloon tank with 1 Panda Angel, 1 Golden Wonder Killifish, 1 Black Molly and 1 Gold Dust Molly with a balloon belly.

I've had this tank since June 2020.  Tank is cleaned weekly to bi-weekly.  Never more than 25/30% water changes.  Each time I add a biological buster to account for the percent of water removed.

My Gold Dust Molly has been showing signs of illness over the past four weeks.  She will not leave the bottom of the tank and typically remains in the same spot all day long.  Her back fin appears to be immobile.  Her crescent shaped tail fin has collapsed down and there does seem to be some (minimal) sloughing of the tail fin as well  She will try her best to eat any of the flake food that falls to the bottom but can't navigate herself well and typically only get he food that floats right in front of her mouth.

Within the last week I have added a bacterial infection resolve solution and finally added 4T of marine salt to the tank.  Her symptoms have not gotten any better.

Looking to see what my next step should be.

Thank you

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1 hour ago, Colu said:

It sounds like swim bladder Qt and don't feed for a of couple days then offer crushed pea treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for 5 days if salt does not work use maracyn some swim bladder infections are caused by a bacterial infection

She has never tipped over to her side.  It can still be swim bladder if she remains upright?

thank you

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If it is swim bladder, I have had luck (on a balloon Molly, no less) with Epsom Salt Baths. The fish never tipped over, but had lots of trouble swimming, and was basically moving around nose-down.

I did 15 minute "baths" in a small tupperware container, with around 1/2-1 teaspoon of Epsom salt, monitoring he fish throughout the bath. I also did my best to only feed that fish a pea. I do have a small amount of aquarium salt in the main tank at all times.

Good luck, and keep us posted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My molly's condition is getting worse as time goes by.

Her tail fin is deteriorating further and now instead of horizontal to the bottom of the tank she is vertical.  

She hides and tries to get under or close to the tank structures throughout the day.  She moves a bit when it's feeding time as she's trying to get food.

Honestly, she looks dead with the exception of her pectoral fins moving (sometimes fast, sometimes slow).

I've used Bacterial Removal solution, Aquarium salt and Epsom salt bath.  I've run out of ideas.

Whatever it is clearly isn't contagious as the other three fish seem to be fine and this has been going on for well over a month.

Any ideas...???



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Gosh...I am sorry to hear about your Molly's condition. Usually salt works quite well. Perhaps something like to fight bacteria Erythromycin (Maracyn)?

Try to make her comfortable with as little stress as possible. Minimal lighting, if possible.

I am guessing you tested for ammonia too? (It's not one of the parameters on the test strip)

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