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Does my betta have Ich


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My betta has white patches one on his forehead, another on belly, and one under gills. His fins are also rotting away. He hangs out on the bottom of the tank and doesn’t eat. I am under the understanding that Ich is white spots all over the body but I’m not sure. I’ve been giving him Pimafix for the last week thinking it was a fungal infection but it hasn’t helped. Any ideas?

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19 minutes ago, Shelby said:

Is it ok to use salt with live plants and a snail?

not generally, though I hear some snails actually tolerate it well, like nerites.

You might want to set him up in a container with no plants. It does not sound like Ich. It does sound like fungal or bacterial or both. Salt will work eventually, but if you are in the US, Maracyn is faster for the bacterial infection, and IchX also has anti-fungal qualities, which I know makes the name confusing.

Ich looks like little white grains of salt stuck to the fish all over. It is very distinctive and consistently sized. It looks like you could brush it off. Irregular white patches sound more like bacteria and/or fungus. The two can occur together and are a factor in fin rot also. 

One concern here is that he is not eating--this can be hard to come back from. You might want to move the plants instead of the fish as shock is going to be hard on him at this point.

Here is a really extensive thread that might be helpful:


Edited by Brandy
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@Shelby Oh no, sounds like your fish is in pretty rough shape 😞 If you've got pictures and water parameters that would help a ton with diagnosing.

Med trio + quarantine tank is always a good option if you can make it work. Pimafix usually isn't strong enough to cure even moderately severe infections. Salt is a good and cheap place to start. It addresses many fungal issues. But, Maracyn (or Erythromycin) and Ich-X as Brandy mentioned would be my recommendation since your fish has had this going on for a week.


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