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Sera O-Nip Tabs, a test of the old vs. new "Nature" formula, Update: New vid


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I'd never used any Sera O-nip tab before the formula change, so I didn't have a baseline for what to expect in either of them. When I ordered them on Amazon, I got the new nature kind (in the smaller quantity box). My fish actually liked them, so I made an order for a larger jar, but this time I got the classic "old" version. I was happy because I figured they had to be even better, longer lasting than the new formula.  Since I had both on hand, I decided to film my guppies and platys attacking both side by side and see the difference.

Short video below, but I'll just spoil it by saying that while I observed the fish swarming both of them at the same time, the new "nature" formula lasted the longest.  Has Sera fixed the new formula, or is there some other explanation here?

I still have both old and new formulas tabs, and other fish tanks, if anyone has a suggestion for another experiment.


Edited by StephenP2003
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For me when I did the test, it was that the new natural one made a lot more mess, falling apart easier. I didn't time how long they lasted on the glass. It could one was eaten faster than the other?

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I got the same result when I had both kinds (except I did not make a really cool video like you did).  The nature formula lasts much longer than the old formula but does not stay stuck to my glass as well.  My fish (mostly guppies) preferred the old formula, but now that I only have the new formula that is what they like 🙂.  Thanks for posting the video and that is a really impressive fish tank!

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7 minutes ago, Cory said:

For me when I did the test, it was that the new natural one made a lot more mess, falling apart easier. I didn't time how long they lasted on the glass. It could one was eaten faster than the other?

Oh yeah, I remember that video and it shows a huge difference -- maybe Sera realized how egregious the problem was and quietly adjusted the formula again. From the looks of my video, it really seems like the fish went after both equally.

So, maybe I should run another test in a breeder box just to observe the disintegration rate, and/or try in a tank that isn't so insanely stocked.

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58 minutes ago, StephenP2003 said:

Oh yeah, I remember that video and it shows a huge difference -- maybe Sera realized how egregious the problem was and quietly adjusted the formula again. From the looks of my video, it really seems like the fish went after both equally.

So, maybe I should run another test in a breeder box just to observe the disintegration rate, and/or try in a tank that isn't so insanely stocked.

I also get disintegration but the food stays intact for a long time and the bits are usually picked off by the fish before they hit the ground (I put a Nature tab in 28 min. ago that is still going as an experiment).  My batch of Nature was opened in mid April and I am trying to feed it out.

Edit:  The experiment ended when the tab fell off the tank wall at about 30-40min and was eaten by the adult Plecos and Corys.

Edited by Matt_
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My experience with the new tabs was much like Cory's video: it disintegrated very quickly and fell off the glass within less than 10 minutes or so (I mean it was still food my fish enjoyed, but the glass time is the fun part!). BUT, that was at least a year ago or more. Perhaps they did adjust the formula! I'd be interested to see more feedback with newly bought packs.

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Stocking could play a factor. Cory seemed to have fewer fish and it allowed us to see the new ones disintegrate. With StephenP there were a lot of fish (super cool to see) so we could not really observe which deteriorated faster. I would think StephenP video is possibly an expirament on which tab was preferred (old one consumed first?). If you wanted to test the general reliability you could put one in a tank with less fish. Either way if you do multiple tests, testing the same factor, that would provide more info to support a theory. (Maybe do the same thing again and see if results are different)

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After they switched to the new formula, in my experience, I found that it worked really well in my African dwarf frog breeding setup.  The absolutely gobbled it up.  I recently got a new box in and strangely enough they aren't touching it.  I also noticed that the latest tabs fall a part slightly different (and slower) than previous new formulas I had been using.  This has made me wonder if something has changed.  

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I still have the original formula tabs. I don't care what tank of fish I put one in it's like that fish never ate before. It's my secret weapon for catching fish in planted tanks. They're so interested in the tab they don't notice the net.

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1 hour ago, Fish Folk said:

Let me explain this for y’all: 

(1) “Hey look Mom, my pizza’s gone already!”

(2) “Um. Ok. Now eat your salad.”


I'm reaching a similar conclusion, that one is preferred over the other, but for a reason I didn't expect initially. Another video coming shortly. 

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Here it is. I tested two tanks this time. The first one is my betta tank with pygmy corydoras, white cloud minnows, cherry shrimp, and a billion baby snails.  This tank has never been fed an O-nip tab, so they weren't quite sure what to do with it other than catch the falling debris; it was a good test of disintegration rate. 

The second test (also in this video) was my 40 breeder containing my largest fish (angels, rainbows, bronze corys), and they were actively eating on the tabs (still not as voraciously as the livebearers, of course).

Based on just the three experiments I've done, I am developing the following theories/opinions:

  • Sera has reworked their "nature" formula to last longer than it did initially.
  • The reworked "nature" formula now lasts significantly longer than even the original formula.
  • The fish eat both, but do appear to prefer the original, and I think it's primarily because the original formula is dispensing food more easily. If not given the option of the easier food, the fish go after the nature tab just as eagerly but take longer to consume it all (I didn't film this bit, but I can if requested).

Now, to really confirm this, we'd need to get our hands on O-Nip tabs in different size packages from different sources to ensure there's consistency in batches. And if it is consistent, I dare say the new O-Nip tabs (the new new ones) are going to be part of the regular food rotation in my fish room.


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  • 1 year later...

So, just got this today (the nature version) and stuck it on the glass of my tank. In less than 5 minutes it fell off the glass and landed in a huge mushy mess on the gravel. I don’t know if it was user error or the tab was defective, but I’ll try again in a day or two and see what happens 

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