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Kasa WiFi Light Timers and Electricity Flicker


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Electricity flickered (thanks southern Vermont) and all my new Kasa WiFi Light Timers turned on despite being set to off based on scheduling. I'm not sure what to think because we have not infrequent regular electric flickers (like at least one a week). It makes me think I should have stayed with 1970s tech timers.

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Yeah, some smart devices will do that. It’s why I have more expensive smart bulbs that remember state in bedrooms, so power outages don’t turn on all the lights when they go away.

Home Automation setups can be made smart enough to poll state every few mins, and check against expected conditions. Then they correct devices relatively quickly.

To be fair, Fluval 3.0s etc do this too (reset on power loss)

Edited by AdamTill
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I use the mytouchsmart wireless controlled outlets over "smart" plugs. I have used them and their in-wall timers.



The wireless model's brain is powered by 3 aaa batteries. It keeps track of time regardless of power outages or drops in wifi. You can also add on extra outlets at minimal cost.

In wall model has an internal battery backup. They do not control the wireless plugs so can only be used if replacing a light switch or doing your own electric.

They both work without bluetooth or internet.


I always had issues with smart plugs and the fluval lights going nuts if the power or internet fails but wifi doesn't or vice versa.


I really like the idea of Wi-Fi control but I was having issues as this was what worked for me. 









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10 hours ago, AdamTill said:

To be fair, Fluval 3.0s etc do this too (reset on power loss)

Wow. As I say in my software industry job "Good thing they don't make airplanes."

To be fair to the Kasa, I do like Cory's suggestion about having the "On" setting without an "off" because I do shut off my filter during feeding and I do forget to turn it back on. So the "on" only setting has saved my rear end.

Edited by ChrisD
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14 hours ago, ChrisD said:

Wow. As I say in my software industry job "Good thing they don't make airplanes."

To be fair to the Kasa, I do like Cory's suggestion about having the "On" setting without an "off" because I do shut off my filter during feeding and I do forget to turn it back on. So the "on" only setting has saved my rear end.

Lol, fair. That said, if you’re a fellow software developer (Shopify here) you may like Home Assistant and Node Red (both open source). It makes hardware limitations much simpler to work around with software.

As I said, devices that remember state are much simpler, but if I had to choose I still prefer default on. That way it doesn’t turn off my air pumps or filters. I can poll lights every minute and change state based off software for lights.

I haven’t heard Cory’s thoughts on the matter, but I have warnings that sound if heaters or filters are off for more than an hour. It sends me both push notifications on mobile and voice alerts by Alexa. Works very well, and saved me at least once after a water change. 

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