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Parasite eggs??

Samuel Raga

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22 hours ago, Brandy said:

do you have a mystery snail? Not all snail eggs look alike. However I am not aware of any fish parasites that I would expect to lay a large clutch of visible eggs.


No mysterys in the tank, just pest snails and I doubt what I showed in the pics are snail eggs, the fish had it in its mouth like it was trying to get it out instead of eating it. It looked like it was choking or something... 

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Huh. I do not know what they would be, but I would bet money the guppy tried to eat it and couldn't manage it. She might have been choking, but I honestly don't know of any kind of parasite that comes OUT of a fish mouth like that. I think I can at least reassure you it is not a parasite that originated in that fry--as far as I know fish lack the ability to actually regurgitate. It might have come in on a plant or something--It could still be a harmful species, I just don't think it was coming out of the guppy. 

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