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1 hour ago, Coronal Mass Ejection Carl said:

One person in my local club manages a zebrafish lab and I just remembered that she once said our tap water's total gas pressure was in the danger zone.

Another person manages one town's drinking water supply and he recommended aging water to deal with our high pH and ammonia (we have chloramine).

I'm the one who discovered it when testing dechlorinators so there really isn't any information out there other than what I've put out. One clue is the amount of Prime and Safe Seachem recommends to neutralize bleach after regenerating Purigen it comes out very close.


Hi Can you use Safe to recharge Purigen? Thanks Mark

One person keeps complaining about how the doses of Prime and Safe aren't equivalent. What he doesn't realize is that the recommended doses of Safe and Prime aren't equivalent. If you make a 6.2X adjustment then the numbers make sense.

Another clue is that the old dosage was 4X higher with no change in formulation.

Then there are the reports I read every few weeks of someone doing a water change and fish dying when using Safe.

I'll make a video one of these days.

Makes sense as to why I had blooms after water changes when I switched to Seachem safe. I thought it was because my city upped the clorine after getting in trouble for not having high enough levels, issuing a boil water advisory, and send falsified records to the state.

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Aging water was used a lot for off gassing chlorine and other gases in the water. It is not as useful anymore for the chlorine aspect at least. Many municipalities have started  switching to chloramine instead of chlorine, which doesn’t off gas like chlorine. So if your area uses chloramine than a dechlorinator is needed to treat the water.

But as mentioned, there’s still some uses for aging water; out gassing, ph stabilization and adjusting temperature. Like most things with fish keeping kind of comes down to feasibility for your situation and personal preference. 

Thanks for the info on water charge temp issues though. I don’t age my water and normally just made sure its not a huge temp difference. But maybe I’ll take some extra time during water changes to make sure the temps are closer though. 

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