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Light colored growths on Dwarf Emerald Danio's


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I'll try to get a better pic, but these little guys don't stop moving.  I've had this heavily planted 40 breeder set up for a couple years. Everything else seems to be healthy, but 3 or 4 of my Emerald Danio's have developed some "bumps" around their body and in the right light some bumps appear to be internal as well...I've tried salt for 7 days so far with no improvement. Any suggestions? 


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Two of mine appear to have something similar, not sure how long they have had it since I hardly ever see them but they aren't doing well. They've probably had it for days. One was at the surface and the other on the sand, both alive. I am going to treat with IchX and Maracyn, it's probably too late for these two but it may save the others.

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