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New tank for Christmas

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I have a couple of questions. My boyfriend got me a 36 gallon bow front aquarium for Christmas. There was no place to hide it so I got my present early hahaha. Anyway, what plants do you guys recommend? Right now I have 2 swords, something I can't remember the name of and a dwarf lily thats growing out. I don't have a co2 setup. Also, I have a hang on the back filter for a 30 gallon and a nano sponge filter....would those two combined work until I can get two medium sponge filters?

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Congrats on the new tank! Addition to the other recommended plants, I would look into getting some cryptocorynes. Easy, low light demanding plants, put a root tab under it and you're good. Also have different varieties that comes in different sizes and colors.

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I have a similar tank as yours. No co2 injector currently. 
I am currently keeping two giant to me Amazon swords with a third growing out.

Also have 

Bocapa ,combaba , Java moss, and the above mentioned anubias

@aquarium co-op they have some gorgeous plants that are very hardy. 

I don’t know what this is called but I left it in the pot  it has tripled in size the last six weeks   it came from the co-op  as did all my anubias that are equally thriving


I can’t remember the name of this either but I love the purple undersides of the leaves  it is a stem plant that is rapidly growing without the aid of anything  I bought it on eBay   Lol 😆   Don’t you love those photobombers?😍

Sometimes pics can give one (me) a good nderstanding what someone is talking about.   I hope you don’t mind.  




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I got an anubias gold coin from Aquarium Coop and it's gorgeous! It's another easy to grow plant according to Cory. The one in the pic was in shipping for 8 days and here it is after 5 days in the tank. I was going to attach it to wood first, but got cold feet thinking I might damage it, as I can be somewhat of a bull in a china shop when it comes to artistic ability. 20201220_100855.jpg.c2173729f0cce4cfeeee4ca3ece374b7.jpg

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I also have this same one.   Java fern and swords are great.  I bought 1 tiny little plant of Water Sprite for this tank and now it has 3 giant ones from bottom to top (hiding the gear) and have propagated it to 5 other tanks.  There is a crypt for some red in there and I have just added a water lily bulb about a month ago,

My philosophy is if I can grow it it must be easy and all of these plants are doing well.

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9 hours ago, starsman20 said:

I also have this same one.   Java fern and swords are great.  I bought 1 tiny little plant of Water Sprite for this tank and now it has 3 giant ones from bottom to top (hiding the gear) and have propagated it to 5 other tanks.  There is a crypt for some red in there and I have just added a water lily bulb about a month ago,

My philosophy is if I can grow it it must be easy and all of these plants are doing well.

Do Java ferns and swords grow tall?

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I have the exact same tank with fancy goldfish. Apologies for the horrible lighting; it's currently lit by a 1-2 walmart grow bulbs, hence the purple. Additional apologies for the fishy photobombers.

I have java ferns, anubias, val in the pot in the back, as well as a aponogeton that grew out of a petsmart bulb. Trying to figure out how to secure the anubias and java fern into the rockwork so the goldfish can't disrupt it too much when they want to go digging.


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Just now, YellowRose
9 hours ago, starsman20 said:

I also have this same one.   Java fern and swords are great.  I bought 1 tiny little plant of Water Sprite for this tank and now it has 3 giant ones from bottom to top (hiding the gear) and have propagated it to 5 other tanks.  There is a crypt for some red in there and I have just added a water lily bulb about a month ago,

My philosophy is if I can grow it it must be easy and all of these plants are doing well.

Do Java ferns and swords grow tall?

Guess it depends on your definition of tall


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