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Taco Playz

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I don't think BN pleco will eat hair algae?  Not in my tank anyway.  Ottocinculus will eat some of it, and they're great little guys to watch.  You can get a group of them to help control algae and they're a great community fish.  I have 3, but also have other clean-up crew (bn pleco, bamboo shrimp, kuhli loaches), you could likely go for 6.   Just keep in mind if they're doing a good job with algae and there isn't any more, you'll need to feed them (same with any algae eater).

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So I have had my tank cycling for at least 2 weeks and 5 days is it ok to get fish tommorow. I was planning on getting the BN pleco tommorow and 3 guppies tommorow and maybe get the Harlequin Rasboras in two weeks do you guys think the tank is fine I am about to check the water levels now. 

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If that's wisteria, it's grown emersed. Those leaves will change if it's now growing underwater. 

I think your algae troubles may be due to (1) tank is trying to figure out how to balance -- assuming it's newly set up (2) it appears like you have a lot of light. Maybe dim the light (we use black cupboard liners from WalMart cut too fit) or lower the exposure time of the light. 

Did you pull that wood from outside? Or purchase as wood for scaping? You may find that wood brought in from the out-of-doors tends to bring along a lot of interesting stuff . . . that may or may not be good over the long haul. We always boil anything brought in from the outdoors before putting into our tank. And even then . . . we cautious!

If you're really not happy with algae, and want to cleanse your wood, you can pull the hardscape, and squirt on H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). Let it sit out of the tank then for a bit, wash off, and put back in. That's at least how we deal with blackbeard algae. Just avoid trying to use H2O2 _inside_ the tank water. That can be problematic. Always does outside the tank.

But, hey if you're breeding fish, algae is good to have! 

Stocking-wise . . . I'd recommend considering just Fancy Guppies and Bristlenose. If you're still bored, add neocaridinia shrimp. (Cherry Shrimp, etc.) Make a little rock pile of medium sized rocks in a back corner for the shrimp to hole up in to colonize. 

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It’s a aquaneat light so it’s kinda bright and yes I am breeding guppies so I guess algae isn’t bad. I found the driftwood washed up on my pond it’s been out of water for a long time. I’ll send you another picture of my tank to show you the brightness of the lights. Will corydoras catfish be ok with SAE?


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