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Planted Newby from Kentucky oto issue


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I bought 4 oto cats a little over 2 weeks ago. Have been looking for them for months, lol. I noticed the largest one has this grey patch on his head. I had not noticed before. All are eating well, especially this one. It is the plumpist of all of them. All are active. They currently have no tank mates except for 6 dwarf neon rainbow fry in a breeder box


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API General Cure is an anti-parasite medicine. You do not have parasites.

Salt--plain salt with no other additives-- would be a better bet. If by "rock salt" you mean a product for your driveway, I would think it would be a terrible idea. If it is for a food-safe use it probably is ok. Check the ingredients, and if it is anything other than plain salt, post a pic of the ingredients and we can probably sort it out.

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12 minutes ago, StaceyTNBCkicker said:

I'll have to run out tomorrow and get fungal med. I have live plants that are sensitive to the salt. 

sounds good. Alternatively you could quarantine him and treat him separately, if the tank he is in is large that will be more cost effective. I would assume there could be some bacteria in there as well potentially, the bacteria/fungus can sometimes act in tandem, or mimic each other.

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