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What does your feeding/ maintenance schedule look like?


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Heres what mine looks like:

SUNDAY - Pellets/ Flakes

MONDAY - Pellets/ Flakes

TUESDAY - Fluval Bug Bites

WEDNESDAY - Waterchange Wednesday, Feeding Pellets/ Flakes

THURSDAY - Day of rest (fasting all fish)

FRIDAY - Frozen Foods Friday (blood worms, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, etc.)

SATURDAY - Pellets/ Flakes

I will throw in some live black worms and Baby Brine Shrimp as a treat every now and again. 

Do you feed once or twice a day or more?? I only feed once a day.

Edited by James Black
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Everyday - AM blackworms/baby brine shrimp Noon - dry food pellets PM blackworms/baby brine shrimp/Daphnia

At randoms times I go brain dead and flat out forget to feed the fish.

Tiny fry get green water that is refreshed daily by draining out half of the tank water and filling back up with new green water.

Probably no water changes

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Currently mine is as follows:

8am-ish feeding
Featherfin Catfish gets Repashy Soilent Green / maybe twice a week some Sinking Carnivore Pellets
Livebearers and Bettas get Fluval Bug Bite flakes
All Senegal bichirs and Ctenopoma get thawed tilapia soaked in Vitachem / maybe twice a week Sinking Carnivore Pellets

5pm feeding
Livebearers and Bettas get Xtreme Sinking Nano Pellets, Featherfin cleans up
Peapuffer gets a few snails
Baby Senegal bichir in the quarantine tank (growing out) gets tilapia (they get fed twice a day)

Every other day I'll put some food in my snail tank.

Once a week, typically Sunday everyone gets a fasting day.

Once a week (on the weekend) quarantine gets a 1/3 water change.

Every other week the 40 breeder and the 75 gal get 1/3 water changes on the weekend.

The other tanks (29 gal, three 5 gallons) get top offs, changing water only when I feel like tidying them up.

During summer months I'll catch mosquito larvae once every few weeks for puffer and betta treats.


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36 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

Currently mine is as follows:

8am-ish feeding
Featherfin Catfish gets Repashy Soilent Green / maybe twice a week some Sinking Carnivore Pellets
Livebearers and Bettas get Fluval Bug Bite flakes
All Senegal bichirs and Ctenopoma get thawed tilapia soaked in Vitachem / maybe twice a week Sinking Carnivore Pellets

5pm feeding
Livebearers and Bettas get Xtreme Sinking Nano Pellets, Featherfin cleans up
Peapuffer gets a few snails
Baby Senegal bichir in the quarantine tank (growing out) gets tilapia (they get fed twice a day)

Every other day I'll put some food in my snail tank.

Once a week, typically Sunday everyone gets a fasting day.

Once a week (on the weekend) quarantine gets a 1/3 water change.

Every other week the 40 breeder and the 75 gal get 1/3 water changes on the weekend.

The other tanks (29 gal, three 5 gallons) get top offs, changing water only when I feel like tidying them up.

During summer months I'll catch mosquito larvae once every few weeks for puffer and betta treats.


I love the mosquito larvae idea, I'll have try it

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22 minutes ago, FlyingFishKeeper said:


MONDAY: Pellets

TUESDAY: Pellets

WEDNESDAY: Pellets with a water change in the PM 

THUSDAY: Pellets

FRIDAY: Pellets in the morning then a freeze dried brine shrimp treat in the PM


SUNDAY: Fasting day to keep my fish from exploding from too much food.

Sometimes I look at one of my angelfish after a feeding (he's still a juvinille) and his stomach will be like on the verge of explosion. lol. Thats the problem with angelfish in community tank because they will eat all the food before the other fish can even relize I dropped food in. lol

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