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Breeding Brilliant Rasboras

Fish Folk

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A while ago we were looking for a small schooling fish that would be fine staying up top in a 20 gal long as dither fish for a pair of Kribensis we wanted to spawn and see more of. Our LFS had some Brilliant Rasboras (Rasbora einthovenii) for sale. They were perfect for what we wanted. We raised several batches of Kribensis, and eventually needed to sell them all. They were hard to catch, so we drained the water low to get them all. Once we refilled the tank, the Brilliant Rasboras began to show spawning signs. So we added some more java moss . . . and, long story short, this took us on a fascinating adventure. We made a BAP Video journal series. If you're interested, this was a lot of fun. We learned a lot!







Edited by Fish Folk
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