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The Sticker Whine Line


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Like all good things in life, we want more.  I love aquarium coop decals.  I have to buy duplicates for my son... I'm missing 3 but I remember Cory mentioning the decals and which fish represent aspects of the hobby.  While we all want our favorites in a coop decal form....what do you think the future decals should/could be....  (This is not a post by a coop member but someone wondering the thoughts and wishes of others.)  So we have Betta, angelfish, tetra, discus, loach and ray lovers covered for sure.... I think cichlids are covered too.

Shrimp lovers.... I think a cherry shrimp or caridina shrimp would be a great add..... shrimp lovers unite.... I would scream Amano but it might be drab and the others are more common.

Guppy/Endler .... I do not believe I have seen a guppy/endler sticker.  If there isn't one....this is obviously a cruel oversight.

More Murphy Poses.  My kid wants em and I need em.

Plants..... How am I supposed to let me kid make cool aquascapes without stickers of decor? really? I think a few plants would really help.... Anubias would be a nice start....some driftwood....

Snails.... obviously this sticker was created and lost.  There is no way coop forgot snails....right????  I think Ramshorn or Mystery.....but I could see Cory wanting his Malaysian Trumpet snail that survived the apocolypse.

While I would love to see varieties of wild betta stickers, I realize that's crazy and we can only ask for so much.....  Beside fish chibi versions of the crew would be awesome.... Who doesn't want a Dean, Jimmy, Cory or other large headed coop staff there to feed the fish decals.  ><

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14 minutes ago, Tre said:

Like all good things in life, we want more.  I love aquarium coop decals.  I have to buy duplicates for my son... I'm missing 3 but I remember Cory mentioning the decals and which fish represent aspects of the hobby.  While we all want our favorites in a coop decal form....what do you think the future decals should/could be....  (This is not a post by a coop member but someone wondering the thoughts and wishes of others.)  So we have Betta, angelfish, tetra, discus, loach and ray lovers covered for sure.... I think cichlids are covered too.

Shrimp lovers.... I think a cherry shrimp or caridina shrimp would be a great add..... shrimp lovers unite.... I would scream Amano but it might be drab and the others are more common.

Guppy/Endler .... I do not believe I have seen a guppy/endler sticker.  If there isn't one....this is obviously a cruel oversight.

More Murphy Poses.  My kid wants em and I need em.

Plants..... How am I supposed to let me kid make cool aquascapes without stickers of decor? really? I think a few plants would really help.... Anubias would be a nice start....some driftwood....

Snails.... obviously this sticker was created and lost.  There is no way coop forgot snails....right????  I think Ramshorn or Mystery.....but I could see Cory wanting his Malaysian Trumpet snail that survived the apocolypse.

While I would love to see varieties of wild betta stickers, I realize that's crazy and we can only ask for so much.....  Beside fish chibi versions of the crew would be awesome.... Who doesn't want a Dean, Jimmy, Cory or other large headed coop staff there to feed the fish decals.  ><



Would love to see a Tiger Nerite Snail sticker.

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I love the sterbai corydora sticker but I'd  love to see other corydoras species as well. But, that's  probably asking for too much.

I suspect there will be an Oscar, just because they are the iconic 'water puppy'. 

I'm  also betting on a German Blue Ram because these guys are beautiful and who doesn't want that sort of pretty in sticker format?

I guess dwarf cichlids in general need more love, so perhaps an apisto like a. Agasizzi or a. Cacatuoides? 

A harlequin rasbora. If we've got an iconic tetra, we should have another iconic schooler and this is sure one of em.

A barb! We can't have a tetra without a barb. That's picking one school over the other. So.... tiger barb? They're a classic, well known barb.

Kuhli loach? Who doesn't  love these crazy little wiggle worms.

Should probably give the African cichlids some more individual love, as its not fair to lump all the fish from this continent together. The great rift lake cichlids are all very distinct between lakes. So, a peacock from Malawi, perhaps a pundamilia nyererei for Victoria and ... gosh it's hard to choose one from Tanganyika. The fairy cichlid is sure pretty but then tropheus are also super popular in the hobby. So are frontosas. And Julie are really distinct cichlids with their torpedo bodies too...  ah, its hard to take a guess there.

There's gotta be a koi or a goldfish (or both? Both is good) eventually. Pond keepers are a part of the hobby too, so these fish should certainly be included.

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@Nataku oh yeah! Pond folks. I would say a nice sleek Koi. 
I’m a cichlids fan and wasn’t trying to lump my sentiments into it. So many beautiful colors and cool variety. 
Khuli loaches are awesome but definitely back burner with a loach already in the mix. Clown loach though. My only clown loach was a monster. Loved him some snail. I really need to get the rest. ><



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  • Administrators
1 hour ago, MickS77 said:

I had an idea, I think it would be cool if Aquarium Co-op sold stickers featuring the logos of their "Brand Ambassadors" 

This is something we could do, however this would potentially take away a revenue source from that creator. If we say share the profits, it then enters into an accounting and different tax issue which is probably not worth it to the creator for just the one item. 

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On 8/17/2020 at 7:22 PM, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

I would love just a common pleco sticker, but from the bottom angle as if it were on the glass. It would be perfect for making a window or mirror look like an aquarium.

Omg! I want a window decal like that to freak out people in other cars.... or our mailman. ><

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