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I usually feed once a week live foods (I rotate between blackworms, baby brine, and daphnia) then a mixture of dry and frozen foods. I have been keeping fish for two years now and never have I kept corydoras. I would like to know the best dry foods for corys, I have the Hikari wafers and algae wafers that I feed m y bn plecos which I think is good for cories :)

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1 hour ago, Irene said:

For dry foods, my corys really liked Repashy gel food (Community Plus blend), freeze-dried tubifex worms, and Xtreme Nano pellets. I believe they also liked the Hikari Sinking Wafers. They're not really picky as long as it sinks and the other fish don't gobble up all the food first. 🙂

I am on the same boat with @Ireneon this one for corydoras foods.  One little difference, for the repashy community gel food I like to put in freeze-dried tubifex worms in it. They really seem to like it.   

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  • 2 years later...

I like feeding sinking algae wafers in the back of the tank while I soak the above mentioned dry foods in a little tank water to get it to sink and be softer for them to bite. Putting the wafers in the back is to draw the snails away from where I feed the corys. Otherwise the snails cover the cory's food with their big FOOTs and the corys can not get at it.

I also freeze newly hatched bbs with small substrate stones in the cubes so they sinks and stays on the bottom for the corys. I find using multiple stone keeps the bbs from melting off and floating. I also like to let the tray sit on the count a few minutes before freezing. This results in a layer of water to help protect the bbs from freezer burn.

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On 12/4/2020 at 8:17 AM, Thanassi said:

I have been keeping fish for two years now and never have I kept corydoras. I would like to know the best dry foods for corys, I have the Hikari wafers and algae wafers that I feed my bn plecos which I think is good for cories 🙂

I am changing a few of the foods I offer my corydoras.  I want them to have a bit better diet and I am trying to feed specific things as opposed to others.

The Dry Foods I would recommend:
-Hikari Discus food
-Fluval bug bites granules (for bottom feeders)
-Xtreme Krill flakes, Xtreme Spirulina flakes, Community Crave (60-40 mix of the first 2), or so-fly flake
-NLS Algaemax granules + Wafers
-Northfin Veggie cichlid pellets, 1-2mm (this stuff sinks hard and you need sand or very fine substrate to keep it at the surface for them)

Gel Food
-Repashy Super Green (powder = fry food)
-Repashy Soilent Green (powder = fry food)
-Repashy Community blend (powder = fry food)
-Repashy Bottom Scratcher (They LOVE this stuff, but too chunky for fry food)

-Spirulina brine shrimp (frozen)
-SMALL (I emphasize small) frozen blood worms.  The only ones I see that offer mini is a specific one from hikari.  Just be careful with how big you get and how big the corydoras are.

I have tried a variety of things in the past, some works a bit better than others.  Vibrabites, Xtreme semi-floating pellets, various hikari food samples, aqueon food, tetra food, Sera foods, Northfin Wafers, and others.

(I realize this is a very old thread!)

@FrozenFins how are your corydoras doing!?

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