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Co2 reactor need help


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I have a fluvall fx4 and setting up a new 125 gallon planted tank and was recommended a co2 reactor instead of a diffuser for it. I was sold one that the ports are way smaller than the fluval hoses. Does anyone know of a reactor that fits the fluval hoses which are about 1” and the reactor is about 0.5”?  Or can I reduce the line down to that size without causing problems with flow or pressure in the system?  Any help will be greatly appreciated. 

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I just made my own reactor for my fluval FX6 since no off-the-shelf reactor had the 1-inch barbs that I needed. 

Specifically, I built the one from this video (but I didn't paint it):


Despite his description and comment update saying it doesn't completely dissolve the CO2, it's still sufficient for the amount of CO2 I'm pushing through my 90-gallon, and would likely be even more effective for the FX4.  The key is to make the reactor as tall/long as you have room for, and the diameter of the pipe as wide as you can. Mine is like 2 feet long and 2inch pipe. If I had room, I would've done a 3-inch pipe.  Let me know if you have more questions.

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