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Twice now I’ve had the Panda Cory’s in my 40 breeder heavily planted community tank hatch out fry. I see them for about a day and then they disappear. I don’t know if the Golden WCMMs eat them or if they starve. Either way I’d like to get them into the breeder box to save them. I have everything in place for next time except one part… I have no idea how to catch them. They are tiny, move fast and have lots of hiding places. Would a turkey baster or small gravel vac hurt them? I don’t think I could net them.

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1 hour ago, Ken said:

Twice now I’ve had the Panda Cory’s in my 40 breeder heavily planted community tank hatch out fry. I see them for about a day and then they disappear. I don’t know if the Golden WCMMs eat them or if they starve. Either way I’d like to get them into the breeder box to save them. I have everything in place for next time except one part… I have no idea how to catch them. They are tiny, move fast and have lots of hiding places. Would a turkey baster or small gravel vac hurt them? I don’t think I could net them.

I’ve used a turkey baster to move several day old fry with no issues - I wasn’t able to net them either hah. 

So far I’ve pulled eggs, when I can find them, hatched in a breeder box, and then transferred them from the box to my grow out tank using the turkey baster and it has seemed to work well. 


*edit to add - they were corydoras fry - forgot to mention that 

Edited by Nat
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Removing the eggs is easier than catching the fry. When I see Cory eggs they're typically on my glass, so I use a razor blade to gently scrape them off and transfer them to a breeding box or net. If they've bred on a plant leaf I'll just snip off that leaf and move it to the box/net.

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