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Where to get daphnia in Seattle in Dec?


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Hello πŸ™‚ My water is super green from algae so I figured I'd try to introduce some daphnia. Does anyone know where I can get it in Seattle in December? All the Ebay options seem to be coming from overseas and I think it's too cold to ship. Thanks πŸ™‚

Edited by hoihoi8
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Try Etsy that’s where I got mine. Β  Granted it was in July.
is in OhioΒ 


Live Daphnia is one of the BEST fish foods! Tricker's has been supplying Daphnia for decades to our customers and for decades have been...




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Whenever I've wanted daphnia I go to a nearby pond or creek, find a spot on the edge of the water that has leaf litter or organic litter ect. and just dig in and take a big scoop with a jar.

I am not in seattle but this has worked for me wherever I've been even in the cold times of year.

Edited by TheDukeAnumber1
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I agree with @TheDukeAnumber1. I have always been able to find Daphnia in just about every pond, ditch or creek that I have looked in, even in some heavily polluted ones. I found Daphnia growing in the ditch in front yard recently. And also in roadside ditches while plant collecting last month.


This ditch had plenty of Daphnia in it. Also temporary pools of water in the woods have yielded, Daphnia, blood worms, glass worms, fairy shrimp and more.

Even if there is no current water in the pool, like the Duke says, take some of the leaf litter from the bottom of the dried up pool and put that in water. Often there are Daphnia cyst that will hatch (just like brine shrimp) and boom, instant Daphnia.Β 

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Heh. I will try this with Lake Union. Speaking of "fairly polluted"... How long in the jar/bucket before you have daphnia generally? In other words how long do I keep a bucket of muck in my living room to test this theory?Β πŸ™„


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8 hours ago, Brandy said:

Heh. I will try this with Lake Union. Speaking of "fairly polluted"... How long in the jar/bucket before you have daphnia generally? In other words how long do I keep a bucket of muck in my living room to test this theory?Β πŸ™„


If you grab a scoop of muck from the water in a spot with a lot of leaf litter and sticks n such you may get live daphnia from the start. Probably other critters too. In my experience a scoop would typically net live daphnia and cyclopes which I could breed out from there.

Edited by TheDukeAnumber1
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  • 5 months later...
On 12/3/2020 at 11:22 AM, Brandy said:

Heh. I will try this with Lake Union. Speaking of "fairly polluted"... How long in the jar/bucket before you have daphnia generally? In other words how long do I keep a bucket of muck in my living room to test this theory?Β πŸ™„


Did you have luck in lake union? I'm in SLU, need some daphnia for my Scarlet badis

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