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Help Breeding Green Neon Tetras


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I want to try breeding green neon tetras. They are currently in my community tank that is run on tap water with 7.0ph. Do I have to drip acclimate them when I put them in a tank filled with just ro water?



I saw videos that people used peat moss with there ro water to really lower the ph. Do I have to use that or will just ro water be fine?

I have only breed pygmy cory and they were breed on tap water.


Edited by Zodiak246
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Read as much as you can:

Seriously Fish




Read this by Scott Fellman. It’s a looooong ramble, but quite worth the read!


I would do it this way…

(1) Order a load of South American botanicals from someone. I like Tannin Aquatics, but there are many sources.

(2) Divide a 20-long with a matten divider — I use these:


(3) Fill bottoms of both divided sides of empty tank with botanicals.

(4) Add rainwater, or RO water. Water will turn dark tannin brown.

(5) Add heater(s) to regulate temperature. ACO has developed some nice heaters. I also like eheim.

(6) Place a small sponge filter on both sides of the divided tank.

(7) Add tons of healthy Java Moss to both sides — ca 4-inches deep all around.

(8) Use a quality aquarium light.

(9) Try to separate males from females for several weeks. Feed both high quality live foods — bbs, grindal worms, etc.

(10) Move all adults to one side to spawn. Leave for 72 hrs. If you observe spawning — early morning light or evening — move all adults over to the other side. Block light from the spawning side top.

(11) Watch and wait. Be ready with infusoria, green water, powdered fry foods, vinegar eels, and eventually bbs to feed and raise them.

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Do I have to drip acclimate them before putting them in the breeding tank? I used api master test kit and its reading 6ph. The test kit doesnt go lower then 6ph. my comunity tank the I have them in has 7ph and kh is 30mg/l and my gh is 60mg/l. 

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On 9/20/2024 at 6:00 PM, Zodiak246 said:

Do I have to drip acclimate them before putting them in the breeding tank? I used api master test kit and its reading 6ph. The test kit doesnt go lower then 6ph. my comunity tank the I have them in has 7ph and kh is 30mg/l and my gh is 60mg/l. 

I would drip acclimate them to be safe, also keep me posted as i also want try breeding some green neons.

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On 9/20/2024 at 9:00 PM, Zodiak246 said:

Do I have to drip acclimate them before putting them in the breeding tank?

What I typically do is put them in a tank with the same water as their current tank. Then I will do a couple of watcher changes with RO water over the course of a couple days (like maybe three water changes of 30%).

This does 2 things 1) It's an easy way to acclimate them 2) simulates a drop in mineral hardness in the water that should feel to them like the onset of rainy season.

I have no proof that #2 triggers the tetras I breed, but I do it this way anyway because I find it to be an easier way to acclimate my fish than drip acclimating them in a bucket or catch cup.



Edited by tolstoy21
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