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Silicone seals failing on brand new tank?!?

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Hey everyone! 

So I’ve been kind of freaking out about a new Aqueon 40B I bought a week ago. It’s currently going through a fish-less cycle. I inspected the hell out of the tank before purchasing and everything looked great! Now that it’s filled with water however, there’s thousands of what look like tiny air bubbles in the silicone seams where the glass meets glass. I understand 40B do bow a little bit when filled on the front and back panels but this is the first Aqueon tank I’ve seen this happen. Tank and stand are dead level, I triple checked. Bubbles go away if I drain 50% of the water but come right back once it’s filled. 

I drove around to multiple stores to inspect their 40’s and out of the 3 stores I went too, every 40 breeder I saw either had the same bubbles already while empty, or the same bubbles appeared when I used my hands to apply pressure on the inside of the tank. It freaks me out as a potential leak/blow out! Anyone experienced this before? Here’s are some pics. 

last picture is another 40 breeder I had them fill at the store and the same thing happened. I’ve now looked at 5 of these tanks over the past few days and they ALL had this issue. 





@Cory I believe you’re a fan of 40 breeders, have you ever seen this? 

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Hey @Christhefishman

I've noticed the same thing on most/all of my Aqueon tanks and have never had a leak or a blowout.  I have the understanding that the main (and most important) seal is the one that actually joins the two pieces of glass together, not necessarily the inner silicone where you're seeing the bubbles.  I've had tanks up to 55 gallons with the bubbles and have yet to have a leak.  Knock on wood.  Hopefully that eases your mind a bit.  

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On 9/12/2024 at 11:35 AM, 925 Aquatics aka Daniel said:

Hey @Christhefishman

I've noticed the same thing on most/all of my Aqueon tanks and have never had a leak or a blowout.  I have the understanding that the main (and most important) seal is the one that actually joins the two pieces of glass together, not necessarily the inner silicone where you're seeing the bubbles.  I've had tanks up to 55 gallons with the bubbles and have yet to have a leak.  Knock on wood.  Hopefully that eases your mind a bit.  

Hey Daniel! Thanks for your input, I’m glad you haven’t had any leaks or blowouts!!

Maybe it’s because I zoomed in so far on the photos but the bubbles are actually appearing in the thin layer of silicone that is structural and holds the glass panels together. That’s why I’m so concerned. Thats always been my understanding based of what I’ve researched that it’s the thin silicone where the glass panels meet that’s structural and the other silicone just provides a waterproof seal around that “glass on glass contact silicone” unless I’m mistaken. 

for reference here is another 40B I have set up and where the 1/4” glass panels meet there’s no bubbling vs. the current tank which has a ton of bubbling in that thin layer of silicone that’s supposed to bong the panels. 



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On 9/12/2024 at 11:59 AM, 925 Aquatics aka Daniel said:

Ahhhh I see.  If it were me, I would fill the 40 gallon to the very top and leave it somewhere it won't cause damage if it leaks.  I'd give it a few days to make sure but then I'd feel safe using it.  In the meantime, I'd also reach out to Aqueon (if that's possible) to ask their input.  

Okay gotcha! Of course I didn’t notice this was going on until after it had been set up on the stand and filled for multiple days so it’s still sitting there it’s been a total of about a week and no leaks or anything I’m just constantly checking those areas and feeling nervous about it 😅. I did reach out to Aqueon and they said not to worry but since it’s something I’ve never encountered before I even still can’t help but worry and wanted to see everyone input on here. But on my search for a replacement tank I’ve found the exact same issue over and over it’s driving me nuts haha unless this is just how it is. here is Aqueon’s response: 


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I think it's hard. Cheap tanks get cheap silicone jobs. Odds are in your favor that it'll be fine. But no one can really say for sure.  40 breeders don't have that much pressure to begin with.

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On 9/12/2024 at 11:47 PM, Cory said:

I think it's hard. Cheap tanks get cheap silicone jobs. Odds are in your favor that it'll be fine. But no one can really say for sure.  40 breeders don't have that much pressure to begin with.

Awesome, thanks for chiming in Cory! I think at this point I’m going to replace this tank with a 40 that I’m planning on taking down that doesn’t have this issue and return this tank. Being up on a second floor with hardwood and carpeting just makes me too nervous even though chances are probably slim that something bad would happen. Landlord would have my head if this thing leaked while I was out at work! 

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