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My first aquarium.


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A few months ago I bought my first tank and got it cycled. Last weekend I ended up getting my first inhabitant for it. He is very active and loves swimming around constantly. I hope he stays active over time. I plan on getting some larger plants to put on the right side and back of the tank. I named the betta "Zero" and got him from Aquarium Co-op. I did notice one of his ventral? fins is bent. I am hoping that is okay.




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That's a nice looking fish you have there!  My goldfish, Loppy, has "bent" fins also. I am guessing, not entirely sure, that the place where it is bent is the spot where the cartilage ends, and the rest of the fin is just "floppier" tissue.

However, none of the bent fins (dorsal, pectoral, and bottom tale lobes) seem to inhibit her ability to move, so I don't worry about it. Her pectoral fins moving about kind of remind me of someone waving their arms around while wearing a sweater that has sleeves that are too long.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well today I did a huge update to my tank. I went to home depot and got some lexan sheets, and silicone. I went to petco (because I had a giftcard) and got some dragon stone and a few plants. I had an idea to build a 'mountain' and I think it came out pretty well. This was my first time using silicone and when I made one of the layers of the mountain it actually split, but I was able to patch it with a piece of lexan. Luckily I never threw away my clown gravel from when I first got my tank. I ended up swapping it out immediately after getting it because it wasn't the look I wanted. The left side of my tank is still unfinished for now. I will probably put the coconut behind my log, and try to plant around it to hide it a bit. I also plan on getting java moss or maybe weeping moss and put it on each layer of the mountain to completely cover the gravel on it, and to hide the tops of the lexan walls. Here are some pictures of my progress through the day.mountain1.jpg.2dd920244c02478736d60b1ed8ecf947.jpg






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30 minutes ago, ZoeyFish said:

I think that tower looks great.  It will be interesting to see which plants you have on the mountain (assuming you're going to plant it).  Keep the updates coming!

I do plan on putting moss and plants on the mountain. I also will plant and rearrange the left side of my tank too. Thanks for checking out my post.

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Just now, Dancing Matt said:

Just double checking, did you make sure the silicone was just silicone/aquarium silicone and no other additives?

I got 100% silicone. I did not check if it was aquarium silicone, but I assumed it would be fine since it is 100% and said it was waterproof within 30 minutes of applying.

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5 minutes ago, Bottlecap said:

I got 100% silicone. I did not check if it was aquarium silicone, but I assumed it would be fine since it is 100% and said it was waterproof within 30 minutes of applying.

Gotcha, I have just heard mixed results of people using silicones that promoted "mold free" not had any experience my self with that kind.

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2 minutes ago, Dancing Matt said:

Gotcha, I have just heard mixed results of people using silicones that promoted "mold free" not had any experience my self with that kind.

Yeah I just got the cheapest stuff I could find and that hapoened to be 100% silicone. I didn't think about additives but I appreciate your concern. If I end up doing more tankwork in the future I will keep that in mind. Wouldn't want my fish, or future inhabitants dying off because of a silly mistake like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Merry Christmas everyone. I got two shrimp recently and my Betta has been very kind to them. I also ordered valisneria, amazon sword, and java moss from aquarium co-op, among other things like an air stone and fertilizer. My java fern is browning and looks rough. I plan to cut the leaves and see how that goes. The new growth on the java fern looks good so I believe it just needed fertilizing. The mountain still needs some help growing moss on it, but over time I think it will start to really flesh out. My shrimp have been 'riding the airstone' too which is hilarious! Here is a video of the shrimp:




Edited by Bottlecap
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