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FX4 for 55g? Overkill?


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I use an fx2 in a 75g. It's a bit strong for me because it's an angel tank, primarily. I think it all depends on what you want in it. and how big of a waste producer they are. You can always throttle down the output side of the cannister. Builds up the same kind of pressure that a clogged filter does. And the motors are designed to handle that kind of load, mostly

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Might I suggest a sump? I run a 20g sump on my 50g super easy super simple.


Whenever a bigger canister filter conversation comes up I jump at the bit to promote sumps so excuse me. 

20g high with a 12g fill, which means in power outtage-ive had 2- I have 8g of overflow. Never needed more than 5-6. Refugium style with shrimp to help keep things tidy down below


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