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Hey everyone,

When is it time to add a dehumidifier? I currently have a 29g, a 55g, and a 10g. I do not run a dehumidifier and have no moisture/mold problems. However, I am planning to add two 75g to my collection. Should I put a dehumidifier in the room at this point? I will say that I live in the deep South and we have crazy high humidity for most of the year. Again though, no mold problems thus far.

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I like drier air, in general for many reasons, & we keep the humidity levels around 40-50% or less, year-round.  

Even before I kept aquariums, we did have a slight mold build-up on one wall, in the upstairs bedroom.  I measured the humidity and at that time is was about 65% 

There are other variables as well such as proper air flow / ventilation, etc. to be taken into consideration.  


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9 minutes ago, umfalcon said:

I hear ya. It’s funny though, where I live in the Deep South 65% humidity, and frequently above, is common for most of the year.

I hear ya!  We lived in Biloxi for 8 years.  The best part of a summer rain storm, there was no best part, 20000% humidity sucks.

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You can get a cheap humidity meter at your local hardware store or big box home improvement store. Some of them even track the maximum humidity. I'd keep a watch on it over time and take action when you think things are getting out of control.

If you pay a few more dollars for the dehumidifier you get, you can 'set' the humidity level you want it to maintain. These often come with a setting to only run the unit for 12hrs per day for example.

Happy Fish Keeping! 🐟


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