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Lone surviving Shrimp

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A few days ago my shrimp began dying suddenly, i thought it was an issue of water contamination, but my water was testing fine. I decided to move them to another tank away, but they didn't make it :(. Anyway, Before I did anything to the tank I left it to see if i missed anyone. And apparently I did! Which is exciting, but I was wondering what I should do for him?

The tank he is currently in has a few dead shrimp that fell apart when I tried removing them.

And the only other fully cycled tank has my betta who doesn't seem to appreciate guest.





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Hi @Ato_amare,

Curious, how old is the tank your shrimp is in? Without the labels, it is hard to tell what your parameters are.

Regardless, I just wanted to give you a tip that might help if you decide you want to move the last shrimp to the betta tank. I had had luck putting them into a jar with panty hose stretched over or other similar covering over the top to protect shrimp from predatory fish. This may be a stop gap until you figure out your situation. Good luck!

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