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Betta Fish Bulge and Bloating


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My Betta is showing signs of some form of bulge on his side and a bit of what looks like bulging or dropsy. I can't really tell. We just moved him into a temporary tank for quarantining but the tank he came from had good parameters, (PH was a little high).

Can you help identify what's going on and recommend treatment? We are starting him out with aquarium salt just to start to get some kind of healing but not sure what to do next.

Tank Parameters:

Tank is a 5G dark water tank with Mopani wood

  • Ph: 8.1
  • AMM: 0
  • NO2: 0
  • NO3: 0 (Tons of floating plants)
  • Didn't do a KG/GH reading 


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This appears to be a tumor or something similar. Bettas from big box stores (from experience I have learned this) are much weaker, where did you purchase the betta? Tumor guide down below. Does he eat still? Does he spit out food?

https://medium.com/@BettaBuddy/battling-betta-tumors-a-comprehensive-guide-to-early-detection-and-care-8c12ecec8faa#:~:text=Surgery%3A In some cases%2C tumors,improve their quality of life.

Metroplex might help? I have no idea really tho about this med in general. Let’s ask @Colu, @BillyJBryant.

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With pineconing and bloating that can be caused by a number of things such as constipation internal bacterial infections organ failure parasitic infection is he eating ok has he passed any poop recently what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature what are you feeding and how often @BillyJBryant

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On 8/19/2024 at 2:28 AM, BillyJBryant said:
  • Ph: 8.1
  • AMM: 0
  • NO2: 0
  • NO3: 0 (Tons of floating plants)
  • Didn't do a KG/GH reading


On 8/19/2024 at 4:41 PM, Colu said:

With pineconing and bloating that can be caused by a number of things such as constipation internal bacterial infections organ failure parasitic infection is he eating ok has he passed any poop recently what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature what are you feeding and how often @BillyJBryant

Above is his water parameters @Colu, might’ve missed that.

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That looks like a crowntail betta. If he's anything like mine, they will eat everything in sight and beg for more. Just last night I accidentally squirted like 10 brine shrimp into his tank instead of the normal 2 or 3. Before I could even think of netting them out he'd eaten most of them - not much to do. This morning he looked like he ate a marble and was very lethargic, so I'm going to fast him a few days - he's already acting a bit better. 

Anyways good looking fish! 

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On 8/19/2024 at 6:08 PM, Jack1235 said:

Look like he was dropsy because look at his scales and you can’t treat anything with dropsy 

Not entirely true. You can do some things, best overall treatment is Maracyn 2. But mainly I agree, it is hard to treat dropsy. But it looks like a tumor and has pineconing too @Jack1235. I see what you mean tho 🙂

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On 8/19/2024 at 6:04 PM, MattyM said:

That looks like a crowntail betta. If he's anything like mine, they will eat everything in sight and beg for more. Just last night I accidentally squirted like 10 brine shrimp into his tank instead of the normal 2 or 3. Before I could even think of netting them out he'd eaten most of them - not much to do. This morning he looked like he ate a marble and was very lethargic, so I'm going to fast him a few days - he's already acting a bit better. 

Anyways good looking fish! 

Yes could be case. He Is 100% bloated for sure. We will see. Good point @MattyM

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Thank you to everyone for your comments. We ended up moving him to a quarantine tank and treating with Maracyn Two. After a week of treatment, he is no longer pineconing; however, he definitely seems to have an enlarged area on his abdomen. I'm not certain if it is a tumor or some other ailment. I also looked at the glass of the tank that he came out of and found these little tiny specs on the glass and was hoping someone might be able to help identify them. 


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Given the fact the swelling on one side it more likely to be an internal mass there not much  treatment wise you can do other then monitor more than likely a tumor I would just keep stable water parameters and add Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect if the mass get bigger and you think he's suffering then i would consider humanly euthanizing him with clove oil @BillyJBryant



Edited by Colu
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