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Mini cannister filters


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Good Day Everyone! 

Last November,  I setup my 10 gallon shallow tank. Initially, I was going to use a sicce whale 120. After several hours of frustration, I put my seachem tidal 35 on the tank. 

As a result, I have really good flow on one side of the tank but not the other. There is a betta in the tank right now. 

Option 1

Move the Tidal 35 to the middle of the tank. Putting the filter on short side is not an option because of the lid. 

Option 2

Mini cannister filter

Since I'm getting ready to rescape the tank, it might be a good time to clean up the equipment a bit. I can easily hide a small cannister filter. 

For those that have used tiny cannister filters, do you like them? Besides the Oase Filtosmart 60 or 100, what other options are there?

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Honestly for me a canister is a bit over kill for a 10 gallon imo but if it’s what you want I can understand that I’ve had good luck with the eheim classics the smaller one would probably be ok for a 10 gallon 

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On 8/15/2024 at 9:48 AM, mynameisnobody said:

Seems like overkill, what are you keeping in a 10 gallon that requires such filtration? 

It's not so much what's in the 10 gallon. It's the footprint of the 10 gallon. The tank is 24 x 14 and 7in deep. 

I plan on adding chili rasboras of ember tetras at some poin. 20240813_173959.jpg.d41bb09bec47873037b1638441ede760.jpg

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one think i like about the tidal filters is how much range of adjustment there is. so you can dial the flow right back if you want, much more than you could with an aquaclear for example. but that means less filtration. 

in your pic, i'm guessing your filter has decent flow coming out, based on the trough in the sand at front left. and i'm guessing that despite that, due to the tank shape/length, and the furnishings you have in it (plants, wood, etc) there is little to no movement over at the right. would i be correct that the betta hangs out there mostly? those long finned types really do prefer still water don't they? 

do you have the surface skimmer slots blocked off or reduced, for the betta? i've never had a betta with a tidal, so don't know how critical that would be. on the tank i run with the tidal 35, even when i add powder food to the top, i don't see a lot of stuff get sucked in those slots, so maybe not an issue? have you thought of trying to run 1 or 2 tiny sponge filters, powered by mini or micro water pumps instead of air? 

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@TOtrees the Tidal 35 works really well for a betta. I've been using them for the last few years. It's super easy to baffle the output. 

When the water level is even with the outflow, it will provide decent flow to the rest of the tank. Once it drops, then the water flows to tbe bottom of the tank, which is why there is a sand trough. I baffled the output with a sponge.  

The only thing the skimmer does is suck up duckweed lol. 

Sometimes my betta will go to by the filter but mostly he hangs out on the driftwood. Which has resulted in torn fins (one of the reasons the tank is going to be rescaped).

My only issue with sponge filters is hard water deposits. Calcium build up ends up all over the place. Which is with I prefer HOB filters etc.




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On 8/15/2024 at 1:00 PM, sairving said:

My only issue with sponge filters is hard water deposits. Calcium build up ends up all over the place.

I'm with you. You don't have that issue when you power the sponge with a pump. 

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I have a Oase Filtosmart 60 on my 5-1/2 gallon shrimp tank. People say its over kill, but my shrimp like it. I also have a Aquarium COOP nano sponge filter in the tank.

Now let me say this. The Oase is setup backwards. The inlet is set bring water over the bio-media and then thru the sponge back to the tank. I personally reversed this, I put a sponge filter up against the divider wall forcing the water to go thru my sponge first, then into the output chamber which I filled with Ceramic Media. I also ordered a shrimp safe inlet strainer.  This filter is surprising quiet and works well and overall its cheap in price.

I'll be the first to admit, I am a dual filter user. My 40 Gallon has a Fluval 306 Canister Filter with a Aquarium Coop Sponge Filter, My 20 Gallon has a Fluval 107 with Coop Sponge filter, and my 5-1/2 is listed above. My 40 and 20 also has the COOP pre-sponges on canister.

There is no "Set" formula for Filtration for an aquarium. Technically, if you drop a airstone in your tank, if you give it enough time, the tank itself will setup up bio-filtration to keep your tank alive.

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@Dacotua good to know about the filter being reversed. I ordered the filtosmart 60 and will reverse the media. Wonder why Oase did that. 

Personally, I like to have the extra filtration as well. One of the reasons I loke the Seachem Tidal. It's easy to remove some of the matrix and toss it in another filter if needed.


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In general, flow and bettas are a bad combination, especially for the longer-finned bettas. They vastly prefer still waters. Swimming in still waters isn't especially easy for them and when you add flow/current, you just make it harder.

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On 8/16/2024 at 7:11 AM, sairving said:

@Dacotua good to know about the filter being reversed. I ordered the filtosmart 60 and will reverse the media. Wonder why Oase did that. 

Personally, I like to have the extra filtration as well. One of the reasons I loke the Seachem Tidal. It's easy to remove some of the matrix and toss it in another filter if needed.


I didn't use the sponge that came with that unit, I used my own sponge FYI

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@Dacotua the filter just arrived. Looking at the filter, I plan of using course sponge on the top and half the included sponge on the bottom. 

I also don't understand why the biomedical is supposed to go on the intake side. Why? The rings just get dirty immediately.

I plan on putting sponge on the intake side and biomedical on the outflow side. 

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On 8/16/2024 at 5:00 PM, sairving said:

@Dacotua the filter just arrived. Looking at the filter, I plan of using course sponge on the top and half the included sponge on the bottom. 

I also don't understand why the biomedical is supposed to go on the intake side. Why? The rings just get dirty immediately.

I plan on putting sponge on the intake side and biomedical on the outflow side. 

I cut the "Sponge tube" on the out put side, I cut it so it goes down about 2-1/2". That way I can fill the output side with bio rings, I had to stack them so the tube clears.


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On 8/15/2024 at 7:55 AM, sairving said:

It's not so much what's in the 10 gallon. It's the footprint of the 10 gallon. The tank is 24 x 14 and 7in deep. 

I would recommend trying to put the tidal on the end of the tank as opposed to the back.

The setup you have might be fine, but consider something like a small airstone on the right corner as well to push around circulation.  Those dead spots in the tank could be the reason you're experiencing algae.

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On 8/17/2024 at 12:28 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I would recommend trying to put the tidal on the end of the tank as opposed to the back.

The setup you have might be fine, but consider something like a small airstone on the right corner as well to push around circulation.  Those dead spots in the tank could be the reason you're experiencing algae.

The glass top prevents me from putting the Tidal on side. 

Sophie, the trouble maker shown bellow, thinks fish tanks are for sitting on. She does not care if she ends up soaking wet either. 20240812_065630.jpg.e02203e1de9e50a9e492965476f0a9c5.jpg

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On 8/17/2024 at 11:48 AM, sairving said:

The glass top prevents me from putting the Tidal on side. 

Sophie, the trouble maker shown bellow, thinks fish tanks are for sitting on. She does not care if she ends up soaking wet either. 

Well, if you're visually ok with it, I can imagine there's a way to get a custom, tight, strong lid to handle the kitten duties.  It's definitely a challenge. I wish it was easier to get the "right" lid for a side mount tank.

The mini canister makes a lot of sense.

I would recommend checking out things similar to the UNS layout in terms of trays.  They don't have the media in the best order, but that is easily remedied.  They have new stainless ones if you feel fancy too. For that tank, I would assume something like a 307 or delta 90 is about the right power for circulation.  Having the betta in there makes it a little challenging to size it right though.

On 8/17/2024 at 11:48 AM, sairving said:

Sophie, the trouble maker shown bellow,

I know the type, reminds me of Helga the destroyer with that face! Probably loves cuddles just as much. 😂

She is definitely the queen of the tank it seems.

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On 8/20/2024 at 10:57 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Well, if you're visually ok with it, I can imagine there's a way to get a custom, tight, strong lid to handle the kitten duties.  It's definitely a challenge. I wish it was easier to get the "right" lid for a side mount tank.

The mini canister makes a lot of sense.

I would recommend checking out things similar to the UNS layout in terms of trays.  They don't have the media in the best order, but that is easily remedied.  They have new stainless ones if you feel fancy too. For that tank, I would assume something like a 307 or delta 90 is about the right power for circulation.  Having the betta in there makes it a little challenging to size it right though.

I know the type, reminds me of Helga the destroyer with that face! Probably loves cuddles just as much. 😂

She is definitely the queen of the tank it seems.

Sophie is queen of the tank. Mostly at 6am when she wants somebody to get up and feed her. She also loves cuddles. 

My biggest annoyance with this tank is the lid situation. Basically, you have to buy it from UNS or have one custom cut. 

So far so good with the Oase. The media chambers are reversed for some reason. Ended up using nothing but sponge in the filter. I also replaced the factory output with a glass spin pipe to cut the flow for my betta. It looks nice. I'll probably replace the inlet with a glass lilly pipe as well. 

I did see the stainless filters and had a heart attack at the cost lol. Once this filter has been running for a bit, I'll re-evaluate.

If a more powerful filter is needed, the Oase filtosmart 60 can become a backup filter. 

Which reminds me, I should sell or trade the sicce whale. 


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On 8/21/2024 at 9:31 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

What was your thoughts on it?

My main issue with it is getting the filter running. Sicce put a handle that you basically pump to get the siphon going. It does not always work. The cabinet and tank location made setup difficult as well. 

When I did get the filter working, it was too much flow for the UNS 60S. It would work well for a larger tank.

Sicce provides a tray of ceramic rings and a tray of sponge. You could easily customize the filter media. I do like the quick connection for the hoses. 

Personally, I found it a bit frustrating. That could also be my inexperience with cannister filters talking. 

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@Airborne 82nd she likes fish water lol. And being a trouble maker. Sophie, Queen of Fish tank eats nothing but fish.

The vet diagnosed her with IBS. She gets super fancy limited ingredient wet cat food. Then she spends the rest of the time trying to steal our food. My sister was over one time and caught her stealing a hot dog lol.

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On 8/22/2024 at 5:22 PM, sairving said:

Personally, I found it a bit frustrating. That could also be my inexperience with cannister filters talking. 

It's not just you. I haven't had a great experience with mine either. It's a weird list of issues and things that just don't really make sense in my brain for how difficult the process of using the filter is.

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Posted (edited)

@nabokovfan87 yeah, I watched YouTube vidoes on setting up the Sicce filter. Eveyone seemed to get a siphon started immediately. I spent 2 hours trying to get it working. 

The filtosmart 60 started running as soon as I filled it with water and plugged it in. Still made a mess with it during setup. 

If this one doesn't work, I'll try a UNS delta 30 or Oase Filtosmart thermo 100. 



Edited by sairving
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