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Adding CO2

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Hi!  I am getting ready to add CO2 to my 55 gallon tank.  Does anyone have recommendations on the necessary equipment?  Do you have a favorite brand?  Also where does everyone get their CO2?  Do you just walk in to a welding supply store?


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On 7/31/2024 at 1:01 PM, Stella said:

am getting ready to add CO2 to my 55 gallon tank.  Does anyone have recommendations on the necessary equipment? 

I bought a regulator at CO2 Art, and I have been reasonably happy with it.  If I were buying now that I know, I would reach out to iirc Alan le and buy one from him.  @Mmiller2001 could provide you the contact information if you were inteested.

I would call the welding store before walking in.  Alternatively you can check at stores that cater to home brewing…

I wish when I started, someone had told me-that the cost of exchanging a 20 pound  was only about 20% more than the cost of exchanging a 5 pound tank…. Granted the initial cost of the tank was twice as much, but swapping out means I only exchange twice a year and not every 6 weeks and the payback for the more expensive tank was about a year, not counting my time to go exchange…

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On 7/31/2024 at 1:01 PM, Stella said:

Hi!  I am getting ready to add CO2 to my 55 gallon tank.  Does anyone have recommendations on the necessary equipment?  Do you have a favorite brand?  Also where does everyone get their CO2?  Do you just walk in to a welding supply store?



 I recommend AirGas (airgas.com) if you have a business nearby. $200 for the initial 20lb tank and refills $38 by me. Just return the empty tank for a full on for $38. I opted for the DIY CO2 version on amazon to test.  Link here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08THYYFMN?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 Working out well so far. I did upgrade to a Landen CO2 diffuser which I love and is bendable with heat. Link here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BR9MGDGD?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 Also, I highly recommend the Milwaukee 122 Co2 controller which shuts off the solenoid on your CO2 tank when PH drops or rises above your parameter. Link here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NCQUSSJ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details This regulator seems to get high ratings on Amazon and I was going to purchase it if I opted for the 20lb tank. Dual bubble counter to guard against a Co2 dump as it gets close to empty levels in the tank. Link here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0838KXK5D/ref=sspa_dk_detail_3?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B0838KXK5D&pd_rd_w=YAa6g&content-id=amzn1.sym.386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_p=386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_r=0KAGHEJXAAFZHSNVPJ9J&pd_rd_wg=1XjXg&pd_rd_r=4e8d309b-59c2-4410-9672-af2a8157765d&s=pet-supplies&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM



Edited by Vonz1
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