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I'd recommend those killi's to go in nothing smaller than a 10g. For your 5 gallon tank you could do a super nice betta setup. For the 2.5 I'd get some neocaridinia shrimp.

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I have a small tank with scuds in it. I find it fascinating to watch them. They are super easy to keep, eat about anything and make a good live food for the fish in other tanks. A side effect though is that they will eventually get into every tank you have (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing).

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  • 3 weeks later...

A pair of Gardneri could go on a 5 but with how they breed they wouldn't be just a pair for long. 

Aphyosemion Australe would work in a 5 and they aren't as prolific. Just make sure you keep up in maintenance and give her places to hide.

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