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High Phosphates, zero NO3 = Brown Agle on plants and it's killing them slowly

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I'm struggling with my plants for about 6 months now and I'm fairly certain it's because I just don't have enough Nitrogen. Woohoo! I have some Easy Green on the way! 

All the advice I had been getting/finding was to lower the lights & do water changes, add more plants...you probably have to many nutrients. So, I did that and that just made it worse. It wasn't until the other day, that someone recommended to test Phosphates and they were 3PPM while NO3 was 0. 

This past week I added 2-3x the recommended Flourish and plants are better, but I still don't think it's enough.

What would be the recommended dosage of Easy Green at this point to get things in order? Do I need to worry about overdose the other elements? 

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3ppm of PO4 isn’t high. Your problem is stemming from 0ppm NO3. When the EG arrives, do a 50% water change and use 3 pumps per 10 gallons immediately. Then do weekly 50% water changes and dose 1 pump per 10 gallons 3 times a week. May have to adjust later but that’s a good start.

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