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My Angelfish are Fat!! Like Really Fat!!


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As I went and said hi to my fish I spotted something, my two angelfish are fat. usaully if this happend I wouldn't worry and start fasting them. But I don't think food is the cause because I have only spotted their fattyness till today.

I feed them NLS Pellets

I have a sand substrate, I was told that sometimes fish will mistake sand as a pellet, and will eat the sand resulting in a digestive blockage and then die. Is this what happend to my angelfish?

Here are some pictures

Let me know if you need the water parameters. 




Edited by James Black
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Is it all of the angelfish or just a few? If it's only a few I'd suspect they've been piggies and bloated themselves. If it's a significant amount of them, have they been dewormed at any point? Often a single round of General Cure/Paracleanse will help with current issues however it won't kill off eggs.

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I'd lean toward it being bloating then, especially if he's still eating very well and doesn't have other symptoms that would imply internal parasites. Whenever this happens to my fish I usually feed them Soilent Green with garlic juice and duckweed, but some people have fed things like frozen peas, spirulina brine shrimp, and other foods with a lot of roughage to help clear them out.

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