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Ziss Air stone question

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I’ve read the detailed instructions on how to adjust the ZISS air “ stone “. I have tried the dif tips but still only get fairly violent bubbles. Any tips I’m missing?? The clear plastic washers are not explained either. 
thsnk you for any practical advice from users. I’ll add a pic of what I’m talking about. The pump I’m using for it  only has one setting. 
I’m hoping to get very fine stream of tiny bubbles for the nano fish in there. The Sponge filter is at the other end of tank. 

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The only things I think you can do would be trying to tighten the airstone more, or controlling the air with a valve. Or replacing the pump with one that you can dial down?

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Agree. Other than being adjustable (and better weighted), I don't see how these are comparable to much less better than decent ceramic stones. IME you need to really reef down on the end piece to get anything resembling a fine bubble stream, and you can't do that without really constraining flow rate. So yes you get fine bubbles, but you get few of them. You can't get lots of fine bubbles. 

So i'm in the same boat. Can't get it to work in a way that works for me, have to wonder if I'm doing something wrong? 

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Thank you! I switched up some pumps and put this on an Aquar Coop adjustable pump on the one blue bar setting. Much better! 
hoping to still have 5 chilis in morning! Been a tough week losing 10. 
ive gained much good advice thru this forum. Thanks to all!image.jpg.9b71c7c8bb8f8aad77bcf35b83411125.jpg

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I had watched a video by Cory that said every aquarium should have what I interpreted as some type of air stone besides filtration generated bubbles. In different parts of tank. I’m not sure my betta in her 5 gal appreciates them in the corner but the fluval filter only returns water under the surface about 1/2”. I know she breathes air from top but I also have 3 nerites in there. I read somewhere they also breath air from top so DO I need this extra aeration in my 5 gal???they survived 2-4 yrs so far until about 3 weeks ago without the bubbles.

my newer 10 gal is the one I originally asked about and a nano filter at other end from other small sponge filter could be option. The chili rasboras swim thru the air stone bubbles obsessively at times and not sure if that’s a bad or normal thing???

always something to worry or ponder…


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On 6/29/2024 at 2:08 PM, Potterygal said:

I had watched a video by Cory that said every aquarium should have what I interpreted as some type of air stone besides filtration generated bubbles. In different parts of tank. I’m not sure my betta in her 5 gal appreciates them in the corner but the fluval filter only returns water under the surface about 1/2”. I know she breathes air from top but I also have 3 nerites in there. I read somewhere they also breath air from top so DO I need this extra aeration in my 5 gal???they survived 2-4 yrs so far until about 3 weeks ago without the bubbles.

A betta wouldn't need extra air bubbles ... and may not appreciate the surface agitation if it tries to build a nest. ... although you refer to it as 'she'. Females don't build nests so it likely doesn't matter either way.

Chili rasboras are a schooling fish that would enjoy extra current from the bubbles.

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On 6/26/2024 at 3:23 PM, Potterygal said:

The clear plastic washers are not explained either.

Stack the felt and plastic washers alternating. Felt, plastic, felt, plastic, felt.


as you tighten the airstone the felts gets compressed by the plastic and yields finer bubbles.  Finer is a relative term.  Not nearly so fine as a stone, but finer than just bubbles popping out of a hose, finer than the Ziss being loosely tightened…

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