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Platy Scales Flaking/Peeling


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I need help identitying what meds to offer this Platy.  Three weeks ago, I noticed this Platy's scales looked flaky.  Is this a fungal infection? I treated the water with Seachem Stressguard daily. I then fed her a daily food soak consisting of Daphnia, Garlic, and Maracyn2. 7 days later I didn't see any improvement.  I continued Maracyn2 but then added Paraclense for another 7 days.  There still hasn't been an improvement.  

Should I switch the food soak to a gram positive bacteria antibiotic such as Maracyn?  Then add Ick-X? 

She's currently in a community tank; Mollys, Platys, Albino Corydoras, one Mystery snail, and three nerite snails, and of course hitchhiker Ramshorn snails. My quarantine tank is full with new fish, so that's a no-go.  I do have a 2.5 gallon hospital tank. It was recently occupied but that fish was successfully rehabilitated and will return back to their tank today.  I'll probably move the Platy in there.  None of my other fish in the community tank have shown any signs of illness.  They've been under the same food soak protocol as the Platy.  She is eating and swimming around but has periods where she hides like in the attached pictures.

pH 7.8 - 8.1

Nitrates 20-40 ppm

Hardness 300-400 ppm 

Nitrite 0

Ammonia 0

KH/Buffer 200-250

Water Temperature 80




Edited by ShineOn75
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Could epistylis that feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures the fact you have seem no improvement after 7 days of treating with maracyn2 could mean something else is going if you have a quarantine tank lower the temperature gradually to 75 I would the treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon and  kanaplex just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do  a 1 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of aquarium salt back as salt only removed though water changes  @ShineOn75

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Posted (edited)

Thanks Colu.  I moved her to my 2.5 gallon hospital tank.  I added 2.5 tbsp of salt. I fed her a food soak consisting of Seachem Kanaplex, Focus, and Garlic. I also added Seachem Stressguard.  

I'll keep you posted of the progress. 

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Posted (edited)

Day 3 Update: She's in a 2.5 gallon hospital tank. I've been treating with a food soak consisting of Kanaplex, Focus, Garlic. I treat the water with aquarium salt, and Seachem Stressguard daily with a half- capful.  From what I've read Stressguard is basically Methylene Blue and polymers. 

She doesn't look as Flaky.  It looks puffier, cloudy ☁️ even.   Not sure what to make of it.  However, she's in good spirits; swimming, eating, and interacts with us when we're in front of the glass talking to her. 4 more days to go- so, still early in the game.  I like her positive spirit despite how rough it looks. 

Ill be doing a water change today and replacing the salt I take out. 




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Unfortunately, she didn't make it.  It seemed like after I added Ick-X, she rapidly declined.  She wasn't really getting better before the Ick-X so not really sure if it was Ick-X or just the progression of the illness. 

We're moving forward and not getting discouraged.  I have a few hundred Platys- yes, you read that right; a few hundred platys that are all healthy.  So, were thankful for that.  

Appreciate everyone's help.


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On 5/12/2024 at 8:40 PM, ShineOn75 said:

Unfortunately, she didn't make it.  It seemed like after I added Ick-X, she rapidly declined.  She wasn't really getting better before the Ick-X so not really sure if it was Ick-X or just the progression of the illness. 

We're moving forward and not getting discouraged.  I have a few hundred Platys- yes, you read that right; a few hundred platys that are all healthy.  So, were thankful for that.  

Appreciate everyone's help.


Sorry to hear that she didn't make it 

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