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Is this Planaria?


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I have a shrimp tank and I put some leaf litter in there.  Now I'm seeing lots of worms in the tank.  Are these planaria? I am not seeing the trademark triangle head.  Are these detritis worms or planaria?  Will these worms eat my Neocaridina? 


Link below to my YouTube video of the worms.  Pic inserted as well..





Edited by ShineOn75
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Posted (edited)

Explains why I have so many missing shrimp. I was overrun with Blue Dreams.  Now, I have to search for them.  

What's the best method to get rid of planaria?  I dropped three female Bettas in there.  I realize they will eat my Neocaridina shrimp fry too.  I am hoping they leave the adults alone.  

I planned on purchasing this Planaria trap


Edit: I decided to buy, "No Planaria".  I will report back the results. 

Edited by ShineOn75
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