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New Amano Shrimp

Brian P

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I ordered 6 Amano Shrimp and they arrived yesterday via UPS.  I drip acclimated them and then put them in my 29g tank.  The tank has 20 neons and 4 male molly fish.  The shrimp were somewhat active last night, but this morning they are MIA.  I can't find any of them.  Are they hiding until they get acclimated to the aquarium or do Amano just stay hidden?  These are my first shrimp and am concerned I just murdered a small family of Amano's.  

11-20-20 20g.jpg

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In a Thanksgiving miracle, I fed a lot of BBS to the tank this morning, and lo and behold a single amano shrimp came flying out of nowhere.  He/she swam around like a mad shrimp amongst the BBS and had a good time.  Then, poof, gone.  So far I have found one dead shrimp, one shrimp skin only, and now one live shrimp.  My mollies left the shrimp alone and it just did shrimp things.  This gives me hope some of the others might be hidden as well.   My kids (20 and 22) think I am crazy.  My wife knows I am.   

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