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Dwarf Hairgrass keeps getting uprooted

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I recently planted my 200 gal aquarium with some of the Coop dwarf hairgrass. Something in my tank keeps uprooting it. I have one small pleco, two butterfly loaches, four severum cichlids (small) and 8 long fin tetras (very small.) What can I do to keep whatever is doing this (I never see it happening, I suspect the pleco,) from doing it?

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Ooh, I see a problem right off. I believe severums will eat anything green in their tank. That’s why most tanks you see severums in are sand, rock, and wood only. Been looking at this a while cause I really want one. 

Also, what type of substrate. Coarse sand or fine gravel won’t necessarily hold onto the roots. I had Monte Carlo in gravel, it let go and became a floater. Currently my micro sword is having the same issue.

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On 3/6/2024 at 10:32 AM, FScalfano said:

I have never seen the severums touching the plants

Yeah, been doing a lot of research on that today. It seems to be that severums are at least half vegetarian, and will go after plants, even chewing on anubias. If you keep them well fed it reduces their desire to go eat plants. and being juveniles may help at the moment. assuming we're talking about the same species -heros species

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I have given them some pleco and algae wafers, which I had for my daughter's pleco tank. In my tank, there was plenty of green algae for the pleco and loaches, but the severums seem to be somewhat interested in the wafers. I will get some plant weights. Thanks all.

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