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Pregnant Guppy having buldge knob on side


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23 minutes ago, Schalk said:

My pregnant guppy has a knob om the one side. I thought she would have given birth a long time ago.

Please see the URL link for images. 

Please advicePregnant Guppy with bump on left side

Hi there!

I've seen it in humans before, but after some Internet surfing, I found it shows up in guppies. Your female guppy may have a hernia (bulge caused by the insides pushing their way through the containing tissue, i.e. the abdominal muscles and sheathing).

I have attached this picture of a guppy with a "pointed belly," as the person describes it.

I hope this helps!


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On 11/19/2020 at 7:58 PM, Schalk said:

Thanks. So is it something to be concerned about?

The way I see it, yes and no . . .

The fish isn't in optimal condition, but at the same time, there isn't much you can do about the condition except maybe isolate the female guppy if she is getting picked on and remove sharp/rough surfaces stuff from wherever she is. Not sure if there is a vet that can operate on guppies.

Sorry, I don't know more...maybe someone else here might.

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