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How often do corydoras spawn?


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I do not have an "official" answer, but my pandas seem to spawn weekly.  I have 4 females and one male, and they like to drop the eggs in a tall patch of moss, of course where I cannot get to them.  I see them doing this at least once a week, but I have only had one fry make it to the juvenile stage.  Mine are in a community tank with tetras, shrimp and swordtails, so I am sure the eggs are being eaten.

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Mine are in a community tank as well. I pulled a clump of moss and clipped an anubias leaves that had eggs and now have at least 16 fry in the tank that was going to be for shrimp. I also see a few fry in the community tank that are now to big to fit in anyone's mouth

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My salt and peppers spawn regularly too,  but I’m not sure how long between spawns. I’d say I see them laying eggs at least once or twice a month, but I’m not really paying attention 100%, so it’s probably more regularly than that. 

I don’t do anything to trigger them, they just do their thing. This is in a community tank. I’m not intentionally trying to breed them. Occasionally some survive to adulthood by hunkering down in the java moss or between rocks. I started with 2 and in two years about two dozen have made it to adulthood.

I found I had the best survival rates when my dwarf sag had filled in real thick. When I removed all that one day I was like - wow look at all these corys I had no idea we’re in here!

Edited by tolstoy21
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In my experience, it all depends how well you feed them. If they're being fed plenty of bloodworms and other meaty foods frequently, I'd guess you'll see eggs at least once a week for a while. I've found though with Corydoras that they spawn in streaks...they might lay every week for 2 months and then shut down for a larger 6 month stretch...just know that you'll maximize your odds of larger and more frequent spawns with LOTS of bloodworms.

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