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Can you choose just one ? ** Fish Challenge ** πŸ¬β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹


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My own reply to this topic made me nostalgic.Β  Since I planned the 40 gallon to house at least a small pair of SA dwarf cichlids anyway, I bit the bullet and headed to Aquarium Co-op to see what was in stock.Β  I came home with a pair of Nannacara anomola and am pleased as punch!Β  Β 

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Agh, a hard choice indeed!Β 

Could I just say cichlids and call that a type? Then I'dΒ  still have plenty of choices to keep.

Ah but that'd beΒ too easy, I think you mean a single species? I'm torn between swordtailsΒ or discus in that case. I love the shapes of swordtails, they've been a blast for me to breed for years, but, for a fish that could really keep and hold my interest over time? I guess it would have to be discus. I love the social interactions and sadly swordtails, though I find them beautiful don't have much of a social interaction pastΒ 'hey baby, let me show you the dance of our people. Wanna make babies? No? More dancing then?'

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American ciclid, probably ConvictΒ or Jack Dempsey

Watching Intelligent fish care for their babies is,Β IMO, the best part of the hobby.

and with jacks or convicts, if you have a male and a female, itΒ is pretty much assured.

and then you have all the color morphs you can breed for too.

Plus, if they are breeding, it’s just aboutΒ the only fish you can keep in the tank, so you don’t need any more anyways.


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Based on the fish I have owned so far in my hobby, I'm going to go with rainbow shiners.Β  Stunningly beautiful, active, and I catch myself watching them every time I walk by their tank. Now if I could figure out how to breed them...

Fish I haven't owned yet but think I will really enjoy.Β  Apistos and gobies both seem awesome and are on my short list.Β Β 

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On 8/16/2020 at 1:29 AM, BQuick said:

Angels.Β  They have great diversity in color and fin type.Β  I love how they can go from hovering like a helicopter to zooming around the tank in a blink of an eye.

I've never kept angels and didn't think I ever would.Β  But then I watched the "Master Breeder Reveals His Top Secret Aquariums [Tour]" yesterday and saw the angels in @Dean’s Fishroom Angelfish and Sterbai corydoras tankΒ (See 12:39 in the video).Β  Now I'm trying to figure out how to sneak a 55 gallon tank into the house to hold some angels.Β  Β Those fish captured my heart.

Edited by ForestJenn
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On 7/25/2020 at 3:46 PM, Shadow_Arbor said:

For me it would be Cambarellus sp. (dwarf crayfish). Fantastic little critters, get along really well with planted tanks compared to other crayfish species. They're a ton of fun in general.

Ohhh...I would be so tempted to do this too. We had a Mexican dwarf crayfish & I loved him.Β  Unfortunately,Β  he didn't do well in my tank & we lost him after a few days.Β  Eventually,Β  I want to try another one.Β 

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My gar I have an alligator gar that I love. he is in an 800 gallon indoor pond and a little over 3 foot. If I had to choose just one fish it would be Β My alligator garΒ Bubbles. If I didn't have himΒ I would also consider koi but I don't have a pond at my house at the moment.Β 

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Talk about a hard topic. I’ve always thought it would be African Cichlids, but I’ve come to realize that I’ve had one type of fish that has been inΒ ALL my freshwater tanks. If they can go in saltwater, I would have put them in there as well.

Endlers livebearers.

I’ve had them in my 10s and 20s with shrimp and corys. I’ve had them thriveΒ in my 60 gallon jungle tank with female bettas and an angel fish. I have them in my pond right now, with goldfish, whiteclouds,Β and guppies. I have to admit that when the population is too much, some have gone in my African cichlid tank. They serve as a snack there, but I think that counts too.

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If I absolutely had to pick I would go with either Puffers, Bettas, or Plecos. Puffers are so inquisitive and interactive and something about their body shapes just draws me in, they’re so plump and cute πŸ˜‚ Bettas have such personality and such a wide range of appearance and gorgeous colors and fins. Plecos come in such a wide variety of patterns and I love looking through the tank and finding them. This was such a tough question πŸ˜‚

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