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replesha food question


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I mixed up 1 tablespoon with 3 tablespoons of boiling water of Repashy gel food. The community food one set up but it broke up very easily in the tank and the tetras and guppies don't like it and when i vacuumed the gravel it seemed most of it fell through. the bettas seemed to like it. I wanted it for my communiuy fish. But not impressed at all.... Did i put to much water in it.... or my fish just don;t like it? can i return it?

Edited by margie
forgot type add type of food
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A little less water will help it hold together better. And my guppies take a while to realize it is on the bottom, they are spoiled rotten and expect the food to float. They also used to be confused by green beans, but after a few tries and a fast day they took right to both for me. 

As with all things though your mileage may vary!

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ok   the neon tetras just spit it back out. was hoping the snails would and sucker fish would enjoy. I will try 2 tablespoons...   the cory's were not interested either... maybe they are spoiled too,  i feed flake, insect pellet, dehydrated blood worms, shrimp pellets, betta floating food, and alage wafers. I already lost my clown pleco  so i was hoping this would help... 

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