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Apistogramma D47


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Hello ladies and gents,

Has anyone ever kept and bred Apistogramma D47? I've been reading up but as per the old tinterweb I've been getting conflicting advise and recommendations. I've inherited around 25 to 30 from a friend downsizing from fry all the way to adults. They seem ok for the moment together in a quarantine tank but should i keep any separate for any reason? Will they be ok in a species only tank set up with black water, leaf litter and plenty of plants and caves? Just don't want a dominant pair to decimate the others.


Thanks in advance for any help or assistance  


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I would give it a try, maybe divide up the group between a couple tanks. I would make sure the tanks were a good size, and have plenty of decor that would be line of sight blocks would could be good. If you noticed a pair starting to get overly dominate you could always pull them out and put into a tank of their own. I have never seen this species of apisto, could you share some pics when you get them? 

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