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White spots on betta


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Can anyone tell what this is, and how to treat it? It does not look like ich to me. He was fine 2 days ago. Yesterday I was very busy and it was designated fasting day, so he didn’t get much attention. Today I wake up to this. It was hard to get a good photo since he is still very young, small, and quick! His body is the size of the end of my thumb. I’ve only had him 12 days. I thought it was strange that the spots appear to be perfectly spaced out. 

3.5 gallon tank with nerite snail

  1. Temp 80
  2. pH 7.8
  3. Ammonia & Nitrite 0
  4. Nitrate 5





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2 hours ago, Jane said:

Can anyone tell what this is, and how to treat it? It does not look like ich to me. He was fine 2 days ago. Yesterday I was very busy and it was designated fasting day, so he didn’t get much attention. Today I wake up to this. It was hard to get a good photo since he is still very young, small, and quick! His body is the size of the end of my thumb. I’ve only had him 12 days. I thought it was strange that the spots appear to be perfectly spaced out. 

3.5 gallon tank with nerite snail

  1. Temp 80
  2. pH 7.8
  3. Ammonia & Nitrite 0
  4. Nitrate 5





Its defenetley not ich. But it could be hole in the head or skin and gill flukes. I would treat with API General Cure. Take any filter media out of the aquarium (but keep the benefecial bacteria alive). Turn the temp up to  82 use API aquarium salt and General Cure. Also I might take your snail out for this treatment, idk if these meds are invertibrate safe. you could take him out, and put him in a bucket until treatment is over. 

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49 minutes ago, James Black said:


Its defenetley not ich. But it could be hole in the head or skin and gill flukes. I would treat with API General Cure. Take any filter media out of the aquarium (but keep the benefecial bacteria alive). Turn the temp up to  82 use API aquarium salt and General Cure. Also I might take your snail out for this treatment, idk if these meds are invertibrate safe. you could take him out, and put him in a bucket until treatment is over. 

Thank you so much. I have a community tank I can put the snail in. And I know I have to remove him if using salt.

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