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Best plants for Community Tank


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I have been asking lots of questions, and arranging my tank to be healthy. I’ve asked the forum about lighting, fertilization, low light and full light plants, and setting up plant zones.

I read the following article:


after reading this article, I would like to get some more plants.

But, first, I am sharing pictures of how my tank is set up. It’s a 29 gallon tank.

also, in my tank, I have guppies, endlers, corys, Japanese algae eaters, mystery snails, peacock gudgeons, tetras, rasboras, Pygmy cats, and bristlenose plecos.

I have a zone set up for low light plants on the left side, and full light plants on the right side. I built a separation barrier using straws to keep the top water plants on one side.

I am running a Fluval 3.0 light.

of the plants in the article, which plants would you include in my tank, and where would you place them. Thank you!








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I have the following plants in my cart, ready to purchase.

I don’t know if I am getting too much, or what will fit in the tank as it is set up.


I don’t know what I would plant them. Front, back, in the low light, or in the full light?


I don’t know if I should get some, but not others.



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Would val get a bit much in a 20 long? I’m currently planning some background plants. I think Cory recommended the dwarf sagittaria in one of his videos as it doesn’t grow as much

On 10/25/2023 at 4:55 PM, campingdude84 said:

Where would I plant the Java moss? How do I secure it in the tank?

You can superglue it although it can get messy. Or just tie it down with string or fishing line to rock or wood

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On 10/25/2023 at 3:41 PM, nickc_1982 said:

Would val get a bit much in a 20 long? I’m currently planning some background plants. I think Cory recommended the dwarf sagittaria in one of his videos as it doesn’t grow as much

You can superglue it although it can get messy. Or just tie it down with string or fishing line to rock or wood

i believe theres some form of mini val, but the standard val's are way too tall for a 20 long imo.

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On 10/25/2023 at 3:41 PM, nickc_1982 said:

Would val get a bit much in a 20 long? I’m currently planning some background plants. I think Cory recommended the dwarf sagittaria in one of his videos as it doesn’t grow as much

I wouldn't plant it in a 29 gallon tank.  Cryptocoryne spiralis is another good option if you want something that looks similar to jungle val, but doesn't get nearly as tall.  The only drawback is that it doesn't spread like jungle val (or at least it doesn't for me, and other crypts do).

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I have some corkscrew Val in my 29 gal.  It doesn't get as tall as the jungle Val and I like the look of the twist.  Spreads very fast once it starts going and gets really thick.   I have to thin it out from time to time and keep it hemmed in with some rocks.

Edited by _Eric_
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