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The Double Cone - Has science gone too far?


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I've been dealing with a bit of an annoying issue using the feeding cone, a bunch of extra tubifex will float to the top where the cories don't go sniffing around for food. It either becomes a gooey mess, or I take it out. I had an extra cone, and decided to see if adding a second story to this contraption will help catch the extra and offer a second chance at snagging those bits.

I haven't tried it yet, but will tomorrow and report back...


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I feed my tubifex in an open bottle trap. The tubifex  only leave the bottle inside the fish. The cories sniffy their way up the side and hang from the upper side of the bottle feeding like fat little piglets. It really saves a mess on the filters too.

See this for a photo. (Ignore the knit hat): 


Edited by KittenFishMom
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