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Snail types for Shoutedini Puffer


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Ive checked these species couple days ago and came across this. Maybe it helps

"This pufferfish prefers some species of snails over others. The shells of Melanoides tuberculata and other trumpet snails are too hard for T.schoutedeni pufferfish and may cause them to associate snails with pain/difficulty if they injure themselves trying to eat them. The aforementioned species also lack substantial amounts of meat. The best snails are Physella acuta (bladder snail) and small/young terrestrial snails which are cultured for reptile and human consumption."


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I personally do pond snails, ramshorn snails, new hatched mystery snails, trumpet snails, and cherry shrimp culls for my spotted congos and other species. If its the right size it is eligible for feeding. 

I havent noticed a pain issue with trumpet snails but all the puffers ive had will use different tactics on mts or bigger snails vs right sized or thin shelled snails.

They will normally go for the trumpet snail while its moving. If the shell isnt worth their effort and they can just go for the snail when its out and moving..... mine will pick the easy button. They also do that to ramshorns and mysterys if the shell diameter is too big for their mouth.

Earthworms, whiteworms, frozen bloodworms, and small dubia roaches are also rotated into feeding schedules fpr them up here.

Edited by mountaintoppufferkeeper
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