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Aquarium Co-op Heater Flashing Code


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I don't get it. The screenshot that nabokovfan87 posted says that a yellow light will come on after two years of operation, which sounds like it would be OK. But it doesn't say anything about the display flashing "EL," which sounds very irritating. And the downloaded manual also mentions the yellow light but not the "EL."

Tamra, how long had the heater been in operation before the "EL" started flashing?

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It's been flashing for about a week. This is the first round of heaters that Corey came out with. I believe the EL code is what the first series did. You are correct, it is very annoying, that is why I believe he changed it to the yellow light. 

I think...

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On 9/17/2023 at 2:09 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I believe that the Coop has updated that for V2 of the heater, in that a yellow light will now flash instead of the display flashing “EL”. Probably describes the manual being updated for V2 as well. 

OK, thanks. I didn't realize that the heater was in v2. Makes sense now.

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/20/2023 at 1:47 AM, Pepere said:

I use the Inkbid as the controller instead of as a limiter, and i set it with a 2 degree differential.to turn on heat when tank gets down to 74 and off when it hits 76.  As such the heater is not on very much..


And doing this from the beginning would greatly delay the appearance of the flashing "EL," since the heater would take much longer to reach the requisite number of hours before that "feature" kicks in.

Although it obviously has other benefits (i.e., redundancy and safety), the cost of an Inkbird controller is quite out of proportion to these cheap heaters.

I must say that, whether it's a flashing "EL" or a yellow light, it's disconcerting that ACO and/or the ODM finds this "end of life" warning to be needed. It appears that there is a lack of confidence in the design. Combined with other complaints of these heaters starting to make noise or just plain failing, I'm not sure that these things were ready for prime time....

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I use an Inkbird as a failsafe, and let 2 Co-op heaters do their job. I have one set for 77 and the other set for 75 (in case the 77 heater fails to turn on). The 75 heater has almost never turned on, except the occasional colder water change.

It is now flashing "EL", even though it was barely ever on. I must say, that in itself is a bit frustrating. 

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On 10/20/2023 at 11:03 AM, quikv6 said:

It is now flashing "EL", even though it was barely ever on. I must say, that in itself is a bit frustrating. 

Wow, so much for my theory that you could delay the onset of that with a controller....

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I respectfully don't like using the Inkbird that way. I much prefer to use it as a failsafe rather than a controller. While I have never heard about an Inkbird failing, I'd much prefer to have three layers of protection against failure (Heater #1 / Heater #2 / Inkbird) vs. One (Inkbird).

It also lets me ensure the accuracy of the heaters' adjustment. I have had one heater (a first gen Co-op 50w) that was 3.5 degrees off out of the box. Regardless, I used it, and after a few months it started to become inaccurate by 5-6 degrees. If I had just maxed out the heater and let the Inkbird do the work I doubt I would've caught this discrepancy.

Different strokes for different folks. That is one thing that is great about this hobby.

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I actually have 8 co-op heaters. All except the one 50w were spot on with the Inkbird. I had zero issues with it being inaccurate....but the inaccuracy did change for the worse as the months went by. It did not stop me from ordering 2 more co-op heaters. I hate the logo on them, but the new generations look to be green, and it blends in much better.

As for the Inkbird....again....it's not the way I prefer to do things. I don't shut my appliances by unplugging them when they are on. I hit the "off" button. I realize heaters can be slightly different, as they are also thermostat-dependant, but it's just the way I like to do things.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone I have the 75-100 watt ACO heater and i got in  May 2022. it always kept the correct temperature and always matched my inkbird and  tester thermometer  but this week it started acting up  ,, I pulled out my spare/backup heater to tested my inkbird.  tested the ACO heater in a bucket separately … and the problem is the ACO heater I have my heater and inkbird set to 78    the water is 78 degrees. with   but the ACO heater says 71 the red light   flashes on and off and and then the temperature blinks twice and says 68  I unplugged and let set that did not work ,,,  It must be going dead 

I really love the heater I will order another one my warranty  is past /dead i love the size and style and hides well  and it has been a very good one for the price   my snails and pelco  loves laying around and under it so glad I still have  Ehiem  for backup  that i had before the ACO heater 

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update on my the old ACO heater  it is a version 1 of the heater now  this morning  it is showing the EL  now  ( like in Matt’s and Tamra ‘s photo )  it must have been in the process of going End of Life.

 I do not mind the flashing light if it keeps the heat  I will continue to use it in my other room tanks or  heating my water changes   but I will order a new one for the main 55 gallon living room tank  i do not mind the yellow light popping on but the  EL  flashing is annoying  in the living room tank ….i have my old trusty Ehiem  in there now and like  it  it and heats well but always hate the size it sticks out like a sore thumb   ACO heaters are wonderful heaters and smaller and easy to hide   and it did last 1 year and 8 months and went through  hell with pelcos and snails laying on and around it  So glad to hear ACO heaters version 2 has no EL flashing only yellow light 

I love my inkbird best buy I ever did for the fish aquarium  would be lost without it  learn my lesson not having one before I bought the inkbird I fried my fish aquarium lost all my fish with a faulty heater ,,, let’s say  if my inkbird ever goes out ,, buying another one same day  matter fact might need to buy one for the spring when i set up a new tank  both tanks will be in the living room but opposite sides to connect the two

Edited by Bev C
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I have one two Aquarium Co op V1 heaters that I bought in May 19, 2022.  They are both flashing now but they are still working and keeping up with the heating of the tanks.  Do we have an average time of death for this version of the heater?  Just bought one of the V2's today.  I am definately going to use Matt B.'s suggestion in turning the flashing around, lol!

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