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mystery snail left it's eggs on the table last night Now what should I do?


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This morning I found a mystery snail and her clutch of eggs on the table, next to the aquarium. I put the snail back in the tank and she puttered away after she got her bearings. The eggs are sitting there. I know you shouldn't mover them for 24 hours or so, but I am worried they will dry out. should I try moving them or just cover them with a damp paper towel, or do something else. I don't need the baby snails, so I give the eggs to a friend when I see her. Which might be 5 or 6 days from now.

Normally I put them in a container with damp paper towels, but they have always been on the inside wall of a tank when I have found them in the past.

I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks, KittenFishMom


Edited by KittenFishMom
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@KittenFishMom get "craft mesh" and cut it to size around your gaps.

I had slide it out of the way to take this pic of Hampshire guarding the mystery snail eggs, but just so you can have an idea  what it looks like.


I think I paid like 4 bucks for a 6 pack of it at Walmart.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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