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What are your bucket list fish?


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-Bala sharks
-Gold nugget pleco
-Killifish (not sure what types yet)
-Longfin white clouds
-Beckford's pencilfish
-Panther crab
-Bamboo shrimp
-Cardinal shrimp
-Cherry barbs
-Checker barbs
-Sterbai corys
-Dojo Loach
-Pictus catfish
-Bluefin notho
-Dwarf gourami
-Blue gourami
-Vampire crab
-Thai micro crabs
-German black rams
-Pygmy corys
-Dwarf chain loaches


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Hypancistrus zebra


Despite caring for discus, arowana, blue eyed plecos, & many other non-cheap fish over the past 30ish years, I just can't convince myself to pay $200-300 each to get at least a breeding trio of zebra plecos.

Aside from dropping almost a grand on 3 fish, I think it's mostly a mental block because I paid $15 for one in 1994 & was heartbroken when I had to sell all my fish & aquariums before moving across the country in 1995. Now they they're endangered in the wild, so even domestic bred are crazy high.

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