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I have yet to find a plant that Buenos Aires tetras and Silver Dollars won't eat.


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You might try planting fast growing swords like Amazon swords like Echinodorus bleherii in pots to let them get well rooted and established, growing well, then move into the tank.  They can mostly outgrow the fish in my 75 G Jack Dempsey tank and they’ve lasted better than anything besides the emergents.  This tank has an adult pair of Jack Dempseys who seem to do the most damage trying to rearrange the plants (mine are held down with very large pebbles/small stones).  I’ve also got 7 juvie to subadult tiger silver dollars, and 2 festivums that are near adult to adult, and only recently 2 very mature bristlenose pleco males waiting for me to somehow catch the female out of my 100 G nanofish tank so they can hopefully share a girlfriend unless I luck into another adult short fin blue-eyed lemon female or at least subadult/large juvie.

They’ve been very hard on one pot of the swords recently but there are still 2 pots of them in there doing well even if they look a bit beat up now and then.  If I fertilized more the swords would probably look better.  😆 

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