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youngest endler is hiding


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I suspect she is getting sick. She no longer roams around nor comes to the front right away for feeding, like the 3 older endlers.

Should we put her in quarantine right away? I cannot see her well enough to tell how she looks.

The endlers have been in the 20 gallon long for 8 days. The tank is 7 weeks old, lots of plants and bladder snails since after 3rd week.

Most recent change was 4 days ago when a mystery snail and shrimp were added. The mystery snail died yesterday from what we surmise (in the other thread) was from old age and my mistake of initially placing it in a quarantine tank treated with prazi and fenben. We did also find today a couple of shrimp dead but looked "cooked". Also, 5 days ago, we added more plants (reverse respired).

We changed 25% water yesterday because nitrates were at 150ppm (nitrites 0ppm). Oddly enough, when we tested today, there were 0 nitrates, which I find hard to believe even if there are more plants (see in screenshot: test strip). We will test again tomorrow.


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On 8/13/2023 at 7:33 AM, Guppysnail said:

I would let everyone settle in. If you see no visible signs of illness or surface hovering. Watch to make sure it is foraging throughout the day. 

I guess it was resting that time, because it started foraging again. 🙂

I found another dead shrimp, though. This time, it was intact and not "cooked".


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On 8/13/2023 at 8:58 AM, Guppysnail said:

Are you feeding them enough. They are foraging fish. If they are hungry they will do what they need to in order to find food 

I believe I am, but have increased some more due to their pregnancies. I finally got some frozen brine shrimp. They seem to go crazy over it.

Edited by HelplessNewbie
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As someone that has a bunch of guppies and have become use to their patterns, they can indeed hide and forage when they are releasing fry. Keep in mind they can get pregnant and release fry within a few months of birth. Think it was around 3-4 months for mine to first drop fry from birth. They like to hover in longer grass at the top or nearer to the bottom & you will notice them moving/flexing about in place(having contractions) before they drop. Like @Guppysnail mentioned, unless you can visibly see signs of disease, I'd never pull to QT tank. The fact you have seen fry now def backs this thought pattern up...enjoy your new endlers!!

As far as shrimp, are they cherries? Your hardness looks good, as does your pH....do you keep any kind of supplement in there to help with molting? I like to use Wonder Shells in combo with guppies, as its got great benefits for both. 🙂 

Edited by Shadow
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On 8/13/2023 at 9:07 AM, Shadow said:

They like to hover in longer grass at the top or nearer to the bottom & you will notice them moving/flexing about in place(having contractions) before they drop

Oh, yay, we will have so much fun watching the babies!

On 8/13/2023 at 9:07 AM, Shadow said:

As far as shrimp, are they cherries? Your hardness looks good, as does your pH....do you keep any kind of supplement in there to help with molting? I like to use Wonder Shells in combo with guppies, as its got great benefits for both. 🙂 

I believe they are ... we didn't bother too much about confirming species nor color since we wanted a cheap clean up crew. These could have been culls. They are delightful nonetheless!

I found in this forum someone was making diy wondershell, so we were planning on that. We are also planning on making diy food with calcium carbonate and spirulina added. I also add Seachem Equilibrium occasionally. I hope this will be sufficient.

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On 8/11/2023 at 8:46 PM, HelplessNewbie said:

We changed 25% water yesterday because nitrates were at 150ppm (nitrites 0ppm). Oddly enough, when we tested today, there were 0 nitrates, which I find hard to believe even if there are more plants (see in screenshot: test strip). We will test again tomorrow

Ok, nitrates were 50ppm the next day. Nitrites 0ppm. So, the 8/11 test was a fluke.

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