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Can you use old RR liquid on your garden?


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I did RR on plants and wondered if the liquid (selter) could go on the garden or was better to pour in the drive or down the drain? I know seltzer has some salt, but not how much.

Edited by KittenFishMom
typo (some "hunt and peck", I "SEARCH AND DESTROY")
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I would def not pour onto garden...down the drain for sure. As a longtime gardener, I would never suggest using seltzer of any kind as a pest control or watering method. 

Neem is your all natural friend there and def use your waste water from water changes, especially when you clean your sponges...plants LOVE it!!(So do my cacti!) 

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The only worry I think you have about pouring seltzer in a garden is that it could (maybe?) affect the Ph. Ph extremes in soil can affect a plant's uptake of certain nutrients.  But honestly, this is just 100% speculation on my part. Seltzer might not affect the Ph at all.

Seltzer is just water that's been injected with CO2. Some sparkling water companies do put a little salt in their product to boost the taste, but I doubt it's enough to hurt a plant ( but it's also not much benefit to them either).

In the end, I don't see any benefit of using it a garden, other than the fact that it's water.

Edited by tolstoy21
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